[comp.sys.novell] C Programs on Novell 386

dakwala@acsu.buffalo.edu (Nikhil Dakwala) (02/06/91)

Hello there....

We are running Novell 386 with IBM PS/2's, model 50's and above. We
would like to develope C programs to run on the N/W, for various
purposes. I am experienced in C, but have never tried it on a LAN. Can
some more experienced soul guide me as to how to get started, and what
do I need to do to get my C routine running on the N/W???

For example, I want to write a C routine that will count the number of
times a user logs in, and the number of times that user prints on the
network printers. How do I approach these problem??? Thank You for
your attention.

Nikhil Dakwala
Computer Lab, School of Medicine
SUNY at Buffalo


jsdph@acad3.alaska.edu (HARRIS DENNIS P) (02/07/91)

In article <58118@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU>, dakwala@acsu.buffalo.edu 
(Nikhil Dakwala) writes...
>Hello there....
>We are running Novell 386 with IBM PS/2's, model 50's and above. We
>would like to develope C programs to run on the N/W, for various
>purposes. I am experienced in C, but have never tried it on a LAN. Can
>some more experienced soul guide me as to how to get started, and what
>do I need to do to get my C routine running on the N/W???
>For example, I want to write a C routine that will count the number of
>times a user logs in, and the number of times that user prints on the
>network printers. How do I approach these problem??? Thank You for
>your attention.
try John T. McCann's NetWare Programmer's Guide, published by 
Business Systems Group (800-950-LANS).  you will also need a 
NetWare development kit from Novell that has a (not very well 
written, I understand) manual and a bunch of C function 
libraries.  I'm not sure what the current price for the kit is, 
but any Novell dealer should have it on the price list.

dennis p. harris					bitnet: jsdph@alaska.edu

  "The nation that controls magnetism controls the Universe." --- Diet Smith

alan@oetl.scf.lockheed.com (Alan Strassberg) (02/10/91)

In article <58118@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> dakwala@acsu.buffalo.edu (Nikhil Dakwala) writes:
>Hello there....
>some more experienced soul guide me as to how to get started, and what
>do I need to do to get my C routine running on the N/W???

	NetWare Programmer's Guide by John McCann (M&T Books)
	contains excellent examples in C/ASM/Pascal. Comes w/
	floppy, about $45. Some examples include:
		o bindery
		o queue
		o named pipes
		o VAP's
		o NLM's

	For both 286 and 386 NetWare.

Alan Strassberg             alan@oetl.scf.lockheed.com
(408) 425-6139              alan@leadsv.ese.lmsc.lockheed.com