[comp.sys.novell] NW SQL, SQL Server, Named Pipes

dave@glv.uucp (David L. Cohen) (03/20/91)

I was able to get M/S SQL Server to work on a Netware 286
LAN, and put together a brief how-to for Network Computing's
Peer-to-Peer section. (Interesting note: we purchased several
versions of Sybase SQL, including SQL Server. The first Sybase support
person I called did not know if SQL Server would work on Netware.)
I've got a few questions, tho':
  - it's been rumored for some time that MS SQL Server will
    soon run on Netware servers. Anyone know of any progress?
  - is Novell planning increased named pipes support, i.e. for
    non-OS/2 servers?
  - can anyone out there compare SQL Server and Netware SQL from
Thanks a lot-
David Cohen                      |    "Wait! I've got it! Feed the tuna
glv!dave@dg-rtp.dg.com           |     fish mayonnaise!"
Global Logistics Venture, Cary,NC|     - Michael Keaton, Night Shift