[comp.sys.novell] NetBios over WAN.

osmana@well.sf.ca.us (Osman Arslaner) (04/13/91)

   I have a Netbios related question and any answers will be appreciated:-

   In a Novell network which has Lotus servers using IPX/Netbios protocols,
   can we access the remote Lotus Servers through our Cisco routers ?
   Will the Netbios interface be transparent over the WAN since IPX does
   the routing ??

   Thanks in advance.

   Osman Arslaner
   Montreal - QUEBEC. 

saddison@ca.excelan.com (Skip Addison) (04/16/91)

The News Manager)
Nntp-Posting-Host: ca
Reply-To: saddison@ca.excelan.com (Skip Addison)
Organization: Novell, Sunnyvale, CA
References: <24174@well.sf.ca.us>
Distribution: comp
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1991 15:01:00 GMT

In article <24174@well.sf.ca.us> osmana@well.sf.ca.us (Osman Arslaner) writes:
>   In a Novell network which has Lotus servers using IPX/Netbios protocols,
>   can we access the remote Lotus Servers through our Cisco routers ?
>   Will the Netbios interface be transparent over the WAN since IPX does
>   the routing ??

You may receive some timeout errors with slow data rates and/or high latency
(ie. high delay) WAN links.  I would not recommend NETBIOS over X.25, for

I can't speak for cisco routers, but over Novell's own routers NETBIOS is
supported only on synchronous links of 19.2 kbps or greater and only then 
when there is no source of delay such as a satellite link.

-- Skip