[comp.sys.novell] Interfacing to Btrieve DLL from Windows

rxcob@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (Owen Baker) (06/12/91)

I am developing an application that uses the Btrieve DLL database requestor
using Turbo Pascal for Windows. TPW requires that all DLL's are declared
as external routines using the DLL filename to load as required, but they
also require an index ordinal value specifying the offset into the DLL
module of each routine. In the case of the WBTRLOCL.EXE and WBTRCALL.EXE
DLL's I have no idea what the offsets are for routines such as 

Can anyone help? Ive tried ignoring the offset requirement but the program 
will not run. Reply by email if possible, thanks.

| Owen Baker                                                                 |
| odb@bodoni.csu.rmit.oz.au                      RMIT Novell - BODONI/ODB    |
| CSU, RMIT, Melbourne, Vic. Australia.          Telephone (61) (3) 660-2038 |