jacoby@cs.titech.ac.jp (Jacoby Raymond) (12/05/90)
The TRANSACTIONS of the INSTITUTE of ELECTRONICS, INFORMATION and COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS, Vol. E73, Number 11, November 1990 by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers ( IEICE ) Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., 5-8, Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan [ to appear monthly ] Subscription Service for Nonmembers; Copies of the IEICE Transactions ( English Edition ) may be purchased at $10.00 per copy or $120.00 per year ( postage included ). Shipment will be made only upon receipt of remittance. All orders, remittance, and communications related to handing subscriptions should be sent to Maruzen Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 5050, Tokyo International 100 - 31, Japan CONTENT: Special Issue on 1990 Autumn National Convention, pp. 1781 - 1922. ++++++++ 1781 Foreword by Shin'ichi Oishi [ Waseda University] and Eisuke Arai [ Electronics Group ] {Letters} Graphs and Networks ------------------- 1782 On Relation between Reliability and Topology of Starred Polygon with Redundant Nodes by Chang Chen, Yoshihiro TAKADA, Tohru Kikuno, and Koji Torii [ Osaka University ] 1785 An Approach for Topological Routing by W-Graph by Hua-An Zhao and Wataru Mayeda [ Hiroshima University ] Nonlinear Problems and Simulation --------------------------------- 1789 An Urabe Type Convergence Theorem for a Constructive Simplified Newton Method in Infinite Dimensional Spaces by Masahide Kashiwagi, Shin'ichi Oishi, Mitsunori Makino, and Kazuo Horiuchi [ Waseda University ] 1792 A Parallel Computation Method in Device Simulation by Kazuhiro Motegi and Shigeyoshi Watanabe [ Gunma University ] Neural Networks --------------- 1796 A New Global Optimization Method and Supervised Learning of Multilayer Neural Networks by Jinhui Chao, Wijak Ratanaswan and Shigeo Tsujii [ Tokyo Institute of Technology ] Signals, Circuits and Images ---------------------------- 1800 A Consideration on the Modeling of a Nonstationary ARMA Process by Tosiro Koga and Haiyang Gao [ Kyushu University ] 1802 Steady-State Analysis of Adaptive Notch Filter Using Multirate Technique by Shotaro Nishimura, Jeong-kuk Kim and Kotaro Hirano [ Kobe University ] 1804 Frequency-Domain Simulator of Digital Networks from the Structural Description by Nobuhiko Sugino and Akinori Nishihara [ Tokyo Institute of Technology ] 1807 A Method of Designing IIR Digital Filters with Maximal Flatness in Passband and Prescribed Steepness in Transition Band by Yoshiro Suhara and Tosiro Koga [ Kyushu University ] 1810 An Architecture for FFT Butterfly Computation with Merged Core Multiplication Technique by Farhad Fuad Islam, Hiroto Yasuura and Keikichi Tamaru [ Kyoto University ] 1813 Time-Domain Characteristics of Phase-Modulated Optical Fiber Gyroscope signals by Shigeru Oho, Hisao Sonobe, Jun-ichi Makino, Hiroshi Kajioka, and Tatsuya Kumagai [ Hitachi ] 1815 A New Thresholding Method - Local Histogram Difference Method - for Segmenting Noisy Gray-Scale Images by Minoru Ito and Toshifumi Watanabe [ NTT ] Information Theory ------------------ 1818 Errors-and Erasures Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes Using the Decoding Algorithm beyond the BCH Bound by Toshio Horiguchi [ NEC ] 1821 An Accelerated Solution of Quadratic Equations aver GF(2**m) by Masakatu Morii and Sayaka Yoshizu [ Ehime University ] Education --------- 1824 Analysis of Tracking Motion in Standard Posture Using Multiple Regression Analysis Method by Satoshi Kobori [ Kurume Institute of Technology ] and Toshihiko Yoneda [ Osaka University Hospital ] Electromagnetic Theory ---------------------- 1827 Transient Properties of the Cherenkov-Type Submillimeter Wave Oscillator by Yoshinari Ishido [ Electronical Laboratory ] and Toshiyuki Shiozawa [ Osaka University ] Microwave Circuits ------------------ 1830 Characteristic Impedances of a New Type Broadside-Coupled Strip Transmission-Line - An Analysis Taking into Account Fields Outside the Substrate by Yasumasa Noguchi and Nobuo Okamoto [ Kinki University ] Optoelectronics --------------- 1834 Analysis of Propagation-Loss Effect on Conversion Efficiency for Cerenkov-Type SHG by Gen-ichi Hatakoshi, Kazutaka Terashima and Yutaka Uematsu [ Toshiba ] 1837 BPM Analysis of S-shaped Dielectric Slab Waveguides by Junji Yamuchi, Morihoko Ikegaya and Hisamatsu Nakano [ Hosei University ] 1840 Transformation of Elliptical Emission Region of Semiconductor Laser into Triple Mode Pattern of Graded-Index Optical Fiber by Holographic Filter by Yoshihiko M<uto, Manabu Yoshikawa and Hiroshi Kayano [ Yamaguchi University ] 1843 Temperature Properties of Multimode Optical Fiber Speckle by Satoshi Shinozaki, Manabu Yoshikawa and Hiroshi Kayano [ Yamaguchi University ] Electromechanical Components ---------------------------- 1846 Influence of Steady Arc Duration on Contact Resistance Characteristics of Ag-Pd30% Contacts by Makoto Hasegawa and Kichiro Sawa [ Keio University ] Electronic Devices ------------------ 1849 An Analysis Simulation of P-AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs Pseudomorphic FET by Takuma Tanimoto, Masao Yamane, Shigeo Goto and Yoko Uchida [ Hitachi ] Integrated Circuits ------------------- 1852 A Divided/Pausing Bitline Sensing Scheme (DIPS) for ULSI DRAM Core by Hideto Hidaka, Yoshio Matsuda and Kazuyasu Fujishima [ Mitsubishi Electric ] 1855 A Study on Fanout Optimization of SRAM Decoder with a Line Capacitance by Shigeki Ohbayashi, Tomohisa Wada, Toshihiko Hirose, and Kenji Anami [ Mitsubishi Electric ] 1858 A Study of Hierarchical Word Decoding Architecture for ULSI SRAM's by Hirotoshi Sato, Shuji urakami, Yasumasa Nishimura, Toshihiko Hirose, and Kenji Anami [ Mitsubishi Electric ] 1861 An Analysis of Substrate Current in Memory Cell for ULSI SRAM by Yoshiyuki Haraguchi, Shuji Murakami, Yasamasa Nishimura, and Kenji Anami [ Mitsubishi Electric ] Switching and Communication Processing -------------------------------------- 1863 Two-Dimensional Multichannel Optical Switch Employing Polarization Control Techniques by Kazuo Hogari, Kazuhiro Noguchi and Takao Matsumoto [ NTT ] {PAPERS} Nonlinear Problems ------------------ 1866 Canards in a Nonlinear Circuit by Makoto Itoh and Ryuichi Tomiyasu [ Nagasaki University ] Antennas and Propagation ------------------------ 1874 A Design of Coaxial-to-Radial Line Adaptors in Radial Line Slot Antennas by Makoto Natori, Makoto Ando and Naohisa Goto [ Tokyo Institute of Technology ] Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing ------------------------------------------- 1880 A Process Algebra Featuring Action Refinement by Masaki Itoh [ NTT ] Algorithm and Computational Complexity -------------------------------------- 1886 Reporting Intersections of C - oriented Polygons by Xue-Hou Tan, Tomio Hirata, and Yasuyoshi Inagaki [ Nagoya University ] 1893 Time Lower Bounds for Sorting Roughly Sorted Sequences by Yoshihide Igarashi [ Guma University ] and Juha Kortelainen [ Oulu University, Finland ] 1899 ABSTRACTS ( Trans. IEICE, Vol J73, No. 11 in Japanese ) 1922 Errata ( Vol. E73, No. 8, Paper : K. Matsuzawa and E. Fujiwara ) ============================================================================= p.s.: ABSTRACTS are the abstracts of the Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Section Japanese. ( Papers and Letters published in Japanese) These Transactions are the following: Part A :Papers and Letters on Fundamentals, Basics, Limits, Algorithms and special topics. Part B-I :Papers and Letters on Communication, Protocols, Devices Part B-II:Papers and Letters on Communication, Antennas, Electronics Part C-I :Papers and Letters on Opto- and Wave Electronics Part C-II:Papers and Letters on Electronic Devices and Applications Part D-I :Papers and Letters on Computer Part D-II:Papers and Letters on Information Processing Each one of these parts in issued monthly as single transaction. They are written in Japanese, but stating the titles, author's name, affiliations and addresses in "Romanji" also. ================================================================================ Raymond Jacoby |UUCP: ...!{hplabs,mcvax,uunet}! Tokyo Institute of Technology | kddlab!cs.titech.ac.jp!jacoby Dept. of Comp. Sci., Tohma Lab. |ARPA/CSNET/BITNET: Ookayama 2-12-1, Meguro-ku | jacoby%cs.titech.ac.jp@relay.cs.net Tokyo 152 [+81-3-726-1111(2566)]|JUNET: jacoby@cs.titech.ac.jp [Fax: +81-3-729-1399]| ================================================================================ --- end mail ---