[comp.research.japan] Kahaner Report: JSAI AI Symposium, Tokyo

rick@cs.arizona.edu (Rick Schlichting) (12/29/90)

  [Dr. David Kahaner is a numerical analyst visiting Japan for two-years
   under the auspices of the Office of Naval Research-Asia (ONR/Asia).  
   The following is the professional opinion of David Kahaner and in no 
   way has the blessing of the US Government or any agency of it.  All 
   information is dated and of limited life time.  This disclaimer should 
   be noted on ANY attribution.]

  [Copies of previous reports written by Kahaner can be obtained from
   host cs.arizona.edu using anonymous FTP.]

To: Distribution
From: David K. Kahaner ONR Asia [kahaner@xroads.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp]
Re: Presentations given at JSAI AI Symposium, 5-6 Dec 1990, Tokyo Japan.
Date: 26 Dec 1990

ABSTRACT. The 1990 Joint Artificial Intelligence Symposium, sponsored by
JSAI, was held on December 5 and 6 in the Sunshine City complex, located
in the Ikebukuro section of Tokyo. Three JSAI special-interest groups
organized the meeting: Fundamental AI, Knowledge-based Systems, and
Human Interfaces and Cognition. Attendance  numbered about 70. A
proceedings (in Japanese) was issued containing the papers presented on
the second day of the symposium.

Following is the list of presentations, papers, and events for the
symposium.  This list was prepared by

    Philip D. Laird 
    NASA Ames Research Center
    AI Research Branch, MS 244-17, 
    Moffett Field, CA 94035
    Tel: (415)-604-3362
    Email: laird@pluto.arc.nasa.gov
** Until 90/March/5: visiting researcher at:
        Electrotechnical Laboratory
        Machine Inference Section
        Machine Understanding Division
        1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305
        Tel: (0298)-58-1595 
        Email: laird@etlhit.etl.go.jp

(DISCLAIMER (Laird): I am not sure that the readings for all the
Japanese names are accurate. Also, for technical terms I have supplied
the most nearly equivalent technical term in English, even if the
Japanese and English terms don't mean exactly the same thing.)

For more information, write to: JSAI, OS Bldg. 402, 4-7,
  Tsukudomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162, Japan.
        ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
Day 1 Agenda:
(AM) Greeting (SHIROI Katsuhiko, Waseda Univ.)

     Invited Lecture (I) (MATSUMOTO Moto, ETL)
      "Frontiers of Neurophysiology as seen by Information Science:
        Neuroplasticity, and Learning and Memory"

     Invited Lecture (II) (TODA Masanao, Nakagyou Univ.)
      "Distributed Cooperation in Humans"

(PM) Panel Discussion: Approaches to Solving Problems of 
                       Distributed Cooperation
     Participants: YONEZAWA Akinori         (Tokyo Univ.)
                   TAKEUCHI Ikuo            (NTT)
                   TOKORO Mario             (Keio Univ.)
                   NAKASHIMA Hideyuki       (ETL)
                   MURAOKA Youichi          (Waseda Univ.)
                   MORI Kinji               (Hitachi)
        ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
Day 2 Agenda:
(AM) Parallel Session A: Knowledge-based Systems and their
                         Verification and Validation 

    "KCII-DST: A Diagnostic shell for mechanical trouble-shooting
      based on knowledge compilation."
      WAKI Toshikazu (Osaka Univ.), HIRAI Takahito (Kansai Univ.),
      AONO Tomoyuki (Kansai Univ.), NOMURA Yasuo (Kansai Univ.),
      MIZOGUCHI Riichiro (Osaka Univ.)

    "Supporting conflict resolution in cooperative design 
     Mark KLEIN (Hitachi Advanced Research Lab)

    "Toward a guideline for expert system evalution."
    TERANO Takeshi (Tsukuba Univ.), KONGOJI Hideo (JIPDC),
    KAJI Katsuo (JIPDC), YAMAMOTO Yoshiko (JIPDC)

    Parallel Session B: Human Interfaces and Coordinated
    "NaviGlasses: Toward the ultimate digitizing of real
    objects for the `RAR' (Reality/Artificial Reality) concept."
    SHIGEMITSU Ohzahata (Macintelligence, Inc.)

    "Domain-knowledge classification and organization as seen
    from the viewpoint of tutoring strategies."
    OKUHATA Kenji (Kansai Univ.), SAKANE Ken'ichi (Kansai Univ.),
    SHIMAZAKI Katsuya (Kansai Univ.), OHTA Yoshikazu (Kansai Univ.),
    NOMURA Yasuo (Kansai Univ.), MIZOGUCHI Riichiro (Osaka Univ.)

    "The role of `others' in using computers."
    NOJIMA Hisao (NTT)

(PM)Invited Lecture: Philip LAIRD (NASA Ames Research Center)
    "Expanation-based generalization: Theory meets experiment."

    Parallel Session A: Learning and Knowledge Acquisition

    "PEA: A learning shell based on the decomposition of 
    explanation structures."
    NUMAO Masayuki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), MATSUMOTO Eiji (Itoh)
    SHIMURA Masamichi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

    "Development of a system for design-knowledge acquisition
    based upon the understanding of examples."
    MATSUDA Katsushi (Kansai Univ.), NIINA Hiroshi (Osaka Univ.),
    NOMURA Yasuo (Kansai Univ.), MIZOGUCHI Riichiro (Osaka Univ.)
    "KAISER: an inductive knowledge-acquisition that uses
    explanatory reasoning."
    TSUJINO Katsuhiko (Mitsubishi), TAKEGAKI Morikazu (Mitsubishi),
    NISHIDA Shogo (Mitsubishi)

    Parallel Session B: AI and Foundations
    "On evolutionary learning and genetic algorithms."
    IBA Hitoshi (ETL)

    "A scheme for representing medical knowledge using
    nested relations."
    KOYAMA Teruo (National Center for Science Information Systems),
    OHE Kazuhiko (Tokyo Univ.)

    "Structural analysis of contraint graphs using sparse
    orthogonal factorizations"
    NAGAI Yasuo (Toshiba)
------------------END OF REPORT----------------------------------------