[comp.research.japan] 3rd International Workshop on Software Quality Improvement, Tokyo.

jacoby@cs.titech.ac.jp (Raymond JACOBY) (01/19/91)


	3-RD   I N T E R N A T I O N A L    W O R K S H O P    O N
	S O F T W A R E    Q U A L I T Y    I M P R O V E M E N T

	 		JANUARY  22-26, 1991
		          SHIBA PARK HOTEL, 

*  Symposium: January 22-23, 1991  * Group Discussion: January 25-26, 1991

   The Third International Workshop on Software Quality Improvement is 
co-organized by Joint System Development Corp. (JSD) and Japan Information
Service Industry Association (JISA) and is supported by The Research Institute
of Software Engineering. 

   It is aimed at better understanding of software quality via measurement 
and analysis based upon models of the software development process and

   The first and second days offer 15 invited papers on the area of emphasis
of this workshop. The emphasis in this third workshop will be on models,
measures and data for software process and product quality, productivity,
and reuse. The third day will be given for visiting to Japanese Companies.
The fourth and fifth days will be devoted to a set of group discussions
where participants will meet in four small groups to discuss experiences
in models and measures of quality, productivity and reuse.

================== Co-chairs and invited researchers =========================

Co-chairs:           Victor R. Basili, Koji Torii.
Invited Researchers: Michael A. Cusumano, John D. Musa, Richard W. Selby, 
		     Paolo Sigillo, S.E. Smith, Marrtyn Thomas, 
		     Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Bosheng Zhou, Toshiro Ohno,
		     Mitsuru Ohba, Yutaka Ohfude, Yusuke Katsuda, 
		     Zenya Koono, Tetsuo Tamai, Yoshihiro Tohma, 
		     Tohru Matsuodani, Tomoaki Yamazaki.

================== Advanced Program ==========================================

		S Y M P O S I U M   S C H E D U L E
			January, 22-23, 1991

* Speech Themes: 1. Software Process, 2. Product Quality, 3. Productivity,
		 4. Reuse.

* Speakers and Titles:

Victor R. Basili:    A Reuse-Oriented Software Evolution Architecture and Life
		     Cycle Model
Michael A. Cusumano: A Quantitative Analysis of US & Japanese Practice & 
		     Performance in Software Development
John D. Musa:        ?
Richard W. Selby:    Measurement-Driven Analysis and Feedback Processes
Paolo Sigillo:       A Quality and Productivity System for the Software Factory
S.E. Smith:          ?
Martyn Thomas:       You cannot measure software quality!
Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Evaluation of Software Design Quality
Bosheng Zhou:        ?
Toshiro Ohno:	     Average Programmers' Paradigm Shift
Yutaka Ohfude:	     System Design Verification Based on Formal Specifications
Yusuke Katsuda:      The Significance of Executing Code-Review for the Entire
		     Source Code
Zenya Koono:         Build-in and Check-out of Software Errors
Yoshihiro Tohma:     Parameter Determination of the Hyper-Geometric Distribution
		     Model for Estimating the Number of Residual Software Faults
Tohru Matsuodani:    Software Quality Accounting and Software Managerial 