jacoby@cs.titech.ac.jp (Raymond JACOBY) (01/26/91)
NEW from OXFORD University Press: [ announcement seen at the 3rd International Workshop on Software Quality Improvement, Tokyo. ] Raymond JACOBY --------------------------------- jacoby@cs.titech.ac.jp --------------------------------- J A P A N ' S S O F T W A R E F A C T O R I E S A Challenge to U.S. Management by Michael A. Cusumano, M I T It is well known that Japan has successfully competed with U.S. computer makers in manufacturing and marketing hardware, but minimal attention has been given to Japanese firms' rapid redress of their initial lag in developing competitive software. Cucumano's book is the first to analyze how Hitachi, Toshiba, NEC, and Fujitsu, inspired by AT&T, SDC, and IBM, have created effective software processes and organizations for software that demonstrate remarkable levels of programmer productivity and software reuse. Japanese's management of software development has processed from a loosely organized "craft" or "job-shop" approach to a more productive and fruitful "factory" approach. Cusumano outlines and explains the strategies of Japanese reusability; standardizing tools; controlling costs, scheduling, quality, and introducing computer-aided software engineering tools; and utilizing subcontractors along with centralizing development facilities. Cucumano's book will be important reading for all people involved in software and computer technology, as well as those interested in Japanese business and corporate culture. CONTENTS PART1: THE SOFTWARE CHALLENGE Product-Process Strategy and Japanese's Software Industry The Technology: Recruitment Problems and Integrated Solutions PART 2: THE FACTORY APPROACH System Development Corporation: A US Factory Experiment Hitachi: Organizing for Process and US Quality Control Toshiba: Linking Productivity and Reusability Fujitsu: Process Control to Automated Customization Standardization and Cooperative R&D CONCLUSION: SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: From Craft to Factory Practice February 1991 528 pp.: 72 line cuts 506216-7 $ 35.00 -------------------------------- Save 20% ----------------------------------- Return to: Oxford University Press, Dept. KLH, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016 PLEASE SEND ME: [ ] copy/ies of Cusumano's JAPAN'S SOFTWARE FACTORIES @ $30.00 per copy ( 20% off the $35.00 list price plus $ 2.00 sipping ) [ ] I enclose my check payable to Oxford University Press CHARGE MY: [ ] Amex [ ] MC [ ] Visa # ........................... Signature ................................ Exp. ........ SHIP TO: Name ................................................... Address ................................................ City, State, Zip ....................................... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------