rick@cs.arizona.edu (Rick Schlichting) (02/05/91)
[This message is taken from the first issue of a yearly journal published by the JSSST. It describes the purpose of the society and this particular publication. -- Rick] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCES IN SOFTWARE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 1, 1989 published by Japan Society for Software Science and Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editor's Message Ikuo Nakata Editor-in-Chief This is the first issue of a new journal by the Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST). The Society was founded in 1983 as a professional society dedicated to the advancement of the science and technology of computer software. Unparalleled progress in hardware technology has been a driving force in modern computer technology. It has dramatically improved the performance and reliability, increased the level of complexity and sophistication, and created numerous new applications for computer systems. Progress in software technology, on the other hand, has been much more conservative. By and large, the volume and quality of current software production depends on the skills and dedicated craftsmanship of programmers. With ever increasing demand for software production, our ability to build and use computer systems is now limited mainly by our ability to produce software. Advancing software technology requires active research effors toward scientific understanding of software systems, organized efforts to improve the current practice of software production, and drastic improvement of software education and training programs. The JSSST was founded to provide leadership, to promote and exchange ideas and experience, and to develop and organize concerted efforts in this direction. The society has published a domestic quarterly journal, Computer Software, since 1984. This contains original technical contributions that are refereed by the normal scientific review process. In addition, it contains survey papers, tutorials, conference reports, and miscellaneous articles. The journal covers a broad range of computer software. Topics featured in recent issues include algorithms, theory of programs, programming languages and methodology, operating systems, computer architecture, software engineering, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing. Advances in Software Science and Technology is the second journal published by the JSSST. It is an annual publication with the same scope as Computer Software, intended to give international exposure to the activities of JSSST and to promote exchange of ideas and information among professionals and the public world-wide. This first issue contains original technical contributions as well as contributions that have appeared in previous issues of Computer Software in Japanese. The JSSST formed a special editorial committee for this journal, whose members are listed in the front page together with those of Computer Software. This issue looks at a variety of activities in Japan. Software problems, however, are something we must all face today and international collaboration and exchange are absolutely necessary. We very much look forward to publishing contributions from a wide variety of authors in future issues.