rick@cs.arizona.edu (Rick Schlichting) (04/12/91)
[Dr. David Kahaner is a numerical analyst visiting Japan for two-years under the auspices of the Office of Naval Research-Asia (ONR/Asia). The following is the professional opinion of David Kahaner and in no way has the blessing of the US Government or any agency of it. All information is dated and of limited life time. This disclaimer should be noted on ANY attribution.] [Copies of previous reports written by Kahaner can be obtained from host cs.arizona.edu using anonymous FTP.] To: Distribution From: David K. Kahaner ONR Asia [kahaner@xroads.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp] Re: Advances in Numerical Methods for Large Sparse Sets of Lin Eqs. 12 April 1991 ABSTRACT. Titles of papers presented at "Advances in Numerical Methods for Large Sparse Sets of Linear Equations", Keio University, 1 March 1991 are given. These papers were presented in Japanese. However some papers are available in English. For information about these contact the organizer, Dr. Takashi Nodera Dept of Mathematics Keio University 3-14-1 Hiyoshi Kohoku Yokohama 223 Japan Tel: +81-44-63-1141 ext 3762 Email: NODERA@MATH.KEIO.AC.JP The first three papers, about special function properties are from U-Tsukuba. That group is led by Professor Yasuhiko Ikebe Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki 305. Tel: +81 298-53-5535 (O), -5187 (S) Email: IKEBE@GAMA.IS.TSUKUBA.AC.JP Interesting work on extensions of conjugate gradient are being done by Dr. Shun Doi Information Basic Res.Lab., C&C Information Tech.Res.Labs., NEC Corporation, 4-1-1, Miyazaki, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki 213, Japan DOI@IBL.CL.NEC.CO.JP who is an author of two papers presented here. PAX is one of the longest running distributed memory projects in Japan (since 1970s), and one of the few machines in the world for performing quantum chromodynamics (another is at Columbia). Algorithms for linear equations on PAX are described by a student of Professor Yoshio Oyanagi Institute of Information Sciences University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305, Japan Tel: +81 298-53-5518, -5449, Fax: +81 298-53-5206 Email: OYANAGI@IS.TSUKUBA.AC.JP Oyanagi will be moving to the University of Tokyo this year, but this address should be usable for a while. PCG Symposium Keio University (March 1st, 1991) (1) The Numerical Solution of xJ'_m(x)+HJ_m(x)=0, where m > -1 and m > M. Nobuyoshi Asai(College of information Science, University of Tsukuba) (2) The Numerical Computation of Zero of Bessel Function of Order < -1 Kouichi Takanashi(College of Information Science, Univ of Tsukuba) (3) Solving J_k(x) = e and J''_k(x)= 0 for a Given e > 0 and k > 1. Minoru Harada(College of Information Science, University of Tsukuba) (4) Evaluating the Bi-CGSTAB Algorithm, Vorst's New Iterative Method for Nonsymmetric Systems Hiroshi WATANABE(NEC Scientific Information System Development Corp.) Email: H-WATABE@NSIS86.CL.NEC.CO.JP Shun DOI(C&C Information Technology Research Laboratories, NEC Corp.) Email: DOI@IBL.CL.NEC.CO.JP (5) Direct QR Method for finding the Apprroximate estimates of large dense symmetric matrices Yoshitaka Beppu (Shotoku Gakuen Women's College) Unpei Nagashima (Institute for Molecular Science) (6) The Effectiveness of Gustafsson's Modification for Parallel Ordered ILU Preconditioning Shun DOI(C&C Information Technology Research Laboratories, NEC Corp.) Email: H-WATABE@NSIS86.CL.NEC.CO.JP (7) Modified Incomplete Decomposition Method for a Time Dependent Problem Seiji Fujino(Institute of Computational Fluid Dynamics) (8) Gauss Elimination on the Distributed Memory Parallel Computer PAX Kimio Takahashi(Institute Information Science, University of Tsukuba) (9) Conjugate Residual Method for Solving Singular Systems Shaoling Zgang(Institute of Computational Fluid Dynamics) Seiji Fujino(Institute of Computational Fluid Dynamics) Yoshio Oyanagi(Institute of information Science, University of Tsukuba) (10) Reorthoginalization in the Block Lanczos Method Hiroko IGUCHI ( Institute of Information Makoto Natori Science and Electronics, Hitoshi IMAI University of Tsukuba) ---------------------END OF REPORT---------------------------------------