[comp.research.japan] Kahaner Report: Next generation computing directions, H. Aiso,

rick@cs.arizona.edu (Rick Schlichting) (06/02/91)

  [Dr. David Kahaner is a numerical analyst visiting Japan for two-years
   under the auspices of the Office of Naval Research-Asia (ONR/Asia).  
   The following is the professional opinion of David Kahaner and in no 
   way has the blessing of the US Government or any agency of it.  All 
   information is dated and of limited life time.  This disclaimer should 
   be noted on ANY attribution.]

  [Copies of previous reports written by Kahaner can be obtained from
   host cs.arizona.edu using anonymous FTP.]

To: Distribution
From: David K. Kahaner, ONR Asia [kahaner@xroads.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp]
Re: Next generation computing directions, H. Aiso, (Keio U)
31 May 1991

ABSTRACT. Our translation of an article "New Possibilities for the Next 
Generation Computer", by H. Aiso (Keio University) is presented.

In July 1990, an article (in Japanese) appeared in Gakusai Kenkyu News 
No.10, by 
             Professor Hideo Aiso
             Faculty of Environmental Information
             Keio University, Fujisawa Campus
             5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi
             Kanagawa 252 Japan
              Tel: (0466) 47-5111, Fax: (0466) 47-5044
on next generation computing directions.  We translated the article and 
it appears below. Many thanks to Professor Aiso for his assistance during 
the translation. Aiso was in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at 
Keio University, worked to start the new Faculty of Environmental 
Engineering and became its Dean. He is considered as having a very 
important role in Japanese Computer Science. The article below, written 
for popular consumption, appeared about one year ago.  Gakusai Kenkyu 
News is published by the Multidisciplinary Research Council of Japan, a 
private organization that is one member of a research publicity 
cooperation group supported by the Science Council of Japan (under the 
Prime Minister's Office). Gakusai Kenkyu News does not appear in the Diet 
Library Periodical Catalog.  Aiso has also written a book on Novel 
Computing that will be published this summer (1991).  

             New Possibilities for the Next Generation Computer
                                  Hideo Aiso
                                Keio University
                                          (July 1990)

1.  Novel computing

I have given the new technology for the next generation computer a 
generic name, "novel computing." 

At present, silicon is the main type of the device, but some new devices 
are being tested.  

The first is a very high speed device;  there is a possibility that a 
gallium arsenide transistor will be several times faster at room 
temperature.  An HEMT (High Electronic Mobility Transistor) developed by 
Fujitsu also has possibilities.  Josephson junction devices, which hasve 
been successful in our country, have sufficiently high speed.  

A super lattice device is another possibility; very fast transistors can 
be made by artificially arranging molecules and atoms in a lattice state.  

At this moment, HEMT and gallium arsenide devices have already been put 
to practical use or are close to that stage.  Gallium arsenide is about 8 
times faster than silicon at room temperature and HEMT is about 11 times 
faster.  In liquid nitrogen, silicon becomes about 4 times faster than at 
room temperature.  Gallium arsenide becomes about 3 times faster than 
silicon, and HEMT about 22 times.  These are property values and they 
won't be that fast when they are used as transistors.  

In MITI's supercomputer project, in which I participated and which was 
finished this spring, an HEMT was actually used.  This resulted in very 
high speed, but it is very difficult to make stable devices in large 
quantity and is surprisingly difficult to use.  The speed falls and 
becomes much slower than what is expected if the wiring is long.  
Generally, Si-MOS has drawn attention for high speed.  Many scientists 
believe that it might be better to use Si-MOS after cooling.  

Another topic is the Josephson junction. This has even faster speed.  The 
Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL), Fujitsu, and Hitachi have developed 
such devices.  A 4-bit microprocessor was made with about 5000 Josephson 
junction devices was the first successful 4-bit microprocessor made with 
Josephson junction in the world.  Its speed was about 26 times faster 
than silicon.  

An advantage of the Josephson junction is that it uses very little power.  
While silicon uses 1.4 watts, the Josephson junction uses 0.005 watt.  
Generally, a good logical circuit is determined by calculating the 
product of speed and power.  This is very favorable for the Josephson 
junction.  Making a logical circuit was a successful national project.  
If it is possible, I would like to make 16 K bit/chip memory.  Right now 
memory is only 1 mega-bit or 4 mega-bit with ordinary silicon.  A 
16Kbit/chip HEMT RAM is completely accomplished.  

However, it is very difficult to make memory with the Josephson junction.  
Only 4 K-bit functions stably right now, but it will go to 16 K-bit in 
the future.  Japan is the first country in the world making a stable 
functioning device.  

2.  Challenge of Tera FLOPS Machine 

The graph shows the computational speed predicted by the 
supercomputer project.  
[The graph plots supercomputer performance vs year. A summary table is 
given below. The plot was meant to be suggestive rather than exact.

     YEAR         Computer                           GFLOPS
     ----         --------------------------         ------

     1976         Cray-1                               0.1

     1981         CDC Cyber-205
                  FACOM VP-100
     1983         Cray-2
                  Cray X-MP
                  FACOM VP-200
                  HITAC S810
                  NEAC SX-1
      1989        CDC ETA-10
                  Cray Y-MP
                  FACOM VP-400
                  HITAC S-820
                  NEAC SX-2
      1990        High-Speed Parallel Processor
                    (Supercomputer Project)
                  FACOM VP-2000
                  NEAC SX-3
       2001       Un-named                          1000.0

Usually about 20 decimal numbers in the decimal system are calculated one 
billion times per second.  At present, supercomputers have about several 
gigaFLOPS speed. Such computers include the CDC ETA-10, CRAY Y-MP, FACOM 
VP-400, HITAC S-820, and NEAC SX-2.  MITI's national project was 
completed this spring, but its objective was 10 gigaFLOPS.  This was 
easily reached with four multiprocessors.  With 16 multiprocessors, which 
was the original plan, the speed will probably reach 50 gigaFLOPS.  This 
will make the fastest supercomputer at this time.  

The plans that have already been announced are for FACOM VP-2000, NEAC 
SX-3, and CRAY-3.  They will be probably compute at about 20 gigaFLOPS.  

For the 21st century, the problem is that we want a tera FLOPS machine by 
all means.  In physics, Professor Ken Wilson, who received the Novel 
Prize at Cornell University, requires about 3 x 10**17 floating point 
operations in order to calculate the behavior of a quark.  It would take 
100 years to do with the CRAY-1, and one year if it is calculated using a 
10 gigaFLOP machine.  If he wants to perform this calculation in several 
days, he needs teraFLOP computing capability.  If it can be done, then 
various problems in physics will be solved at once.  

The teraFLOP machine will become a very important tool for industries.  
The manufacturing process will be changed.  First of all, supercomputers 
are used for analyzing various phenomena, designing, making prototypes, 
doing complete simulation, and then making the final products.  

The teraFLOP machine naturally will be a multiprocessor, with very high 
speed devices, such as Josephson junctions and HEMTs.  This goal will be 
reached in the first 10 years of the 21st century.  

--------------------------END OF REPORT----------------------------------