[ieee.fidonet.ieee] how to join

burt@ieee.org (Burt Juda) (03/27/91)

segedy@cspi.UUCP (Cathy Segedy) writes:
 > Hello.  I have been trying to join the IEEE for quite some time, but for
 > some reason I can't seem to get ahold of an application form.  Does anyone
 > have a phone number for IEEE, or an address to write to?  I have sent in
 > various standard forms requesting info on how to join, to no avail.

Just send a message to <membership-info@ieee.org>.  That will get
auto-forwarded to Bill Hunter's crew in Membership Development
(on the other end of the room from me  ;-)

 Burt Juda                   Internet: burt@ieee.org || merlin@ieee.org
 IEEE Service Center         COMPMAIL: B.JUDA           Bitnet:  JUDA@NJIN
 Piscataway, NJ              FidoNet:  1:107/10