("Merit Network Operations Center") (04/07/91)
Starting at 23:30 EST on 4/6/91 upgrades were performed on the electrical power systems of the University of Michigan North Campus Computing Center Building. This had the following effects: 4/6/91 NSS 17 Ann Arbor Down 23:30 - 23:40 EST 4/6/91 ENSS 131 Ann Arbor Down 23:30 EST - 03:30 EDT 4/7/91 4/6/91 NSS 17 Ann Arbor Regionals Unreachable 23:30 EST - 03:30 EDT 4/7/91 4/7/91 NSS 17 Ann Arbor Down 03:00 - 03:10 EDT The upgrades were completed on 4/7/91 at 03:30 EDT. David Fred Merit Network Operations