[ut.nets.reports] update on SURAnet power

oleary@sura.net (dave o'leary) (06/17/91)

6/17/91	15:40	We have yelled at the power company as is appropriate
		at this point.  It appears that one of our three
		phases is out.  We have some lights in our offices,
		but the UPS isn't running well off only two.  
		At this point we expect to be powering off most
		of the equipment within the next 45 minutes or so
		as it does not appear that power will be restored 
		in time.  At this point we have powered off all 
		non-essential equipment.  AC is also off but we appear
		to be okay in that regard, actually it looks like 
		things will start to get hot at about the same time
		we run out of juice.

		This will take down all of the FIX East connections
		and any sites that are solely connected to the 
		College Park NOC.  All the rest of the SURAnet sites
		should remain reachable via the Atlanta NSS and the
		ESnet gateway at Florida State Univ.  

		If anyone has any questions we can be reached at
		noc@sura.net for the next few minutes or at 
		(301)982-3214.  Thank you for your support.


		p.s. the Fuzzball was turned off a few minutes ago.
			We will send out another message when w start
			to shut down everything else.

Mills@udel.edu (06/18/91)


Thanks for the headsup. Our fuzzbums cried when they lost their friends,
but they quieted down about 22Z and now are snoozing like lambs.
