[ut.nets.reports] POWER OUTAGE UPDATE

sosebee@sura.net (John Sosebee) (06/18/91)

06/18/91	08:20		The Power Outage goes on.It doesn't look good.Local
		Power co. says "We're workin on it".Two routers are already dead
		and we will start shutting down the rest within the next 30 min.
		This will take down all of the FIX East connections
                and any sites that are solely connected to the
                College Park NOC.  All the rest of the SURAnet sites
                should remain reachable via the Atlanta NSS and the
                ESnet gateway at Florida State Univ.

                If anyone has any questions we can be reached at
                noc@sura.net for the next few minutes or at
                (301)982-3214.  Thank you for your support.
