[ut.nets.reports] Scheduled outage of NSS14-Seattle

danj@cac.washington.edu (Dan Jordt) (06/29/91)

NSS 14 (Seattle) will be down 15 minutes twice this weekend to facilitate 
the installation of an Uninterruptible Power Supply system for University 
of Washington computer center.  The first outage will begin at 16:00 PDT 
Saturday June 29, and the second on the afternoon of Sunday June 30
(I'm sorry we can't be more precise on the time Sunday, but it will
depend upon the installation of the UPS).

Dan Jordt                               INTERNET:  danj@cac.washington.edu
Networks and Distributed Computing, UW    BITNET:  DANJ@CAC
3737 Brooklyn NE                           VOICE:  (206) 543-7352
Seattle, WA  98105                           FAX:  (206) 543-3909