[comp.lang.clos] Order-insensitve argument dispatching

ccampbel@bambam.dsd.es.com (Colin Campbell) (02/15/91)

I want to write methods with order-insensitive arguments.  Example:
geometric intersection of points, lines, planes, etc.   I want to be
able to call

	(geometric-intersection object-1 object-2)

where the args may be of type LINE and PLANE or PLANE and LINE, for instance.

What I do now is this:

(defgeneric geometric-intersection ((object-1 t) (object-2) &optional recursive-p)
   (if recursive-p
       (error "Can't intersect ~a and ~a" object-2 object-1)
       (geometric-intersection object-2 object-1 t)))

i.e.  if I find a method, I use it, otherwise I reverse the order of
the arguments and try again.

Does anybody have a better way to do this?

Colin Campbell
Evans & Sutherland
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
(801) 582-5847
