(Juergen Kreuziger) (04/17/91)
I am trying to install CLUE on SUN Lucid Common Lisp Version 3.0.1. I am using 5/1/90 MayDayPCL(REV4) CLX4.4 CLUE7.20 on a SUN SPARC Station. Everything compiles fine, but when I run menu.lisp of the CLUE examples I get the interesting error 'The function 10 is unde- fined.' Does anybody already installed these software packages successfully? I would be very glad if you can send me a working makefile or give me any hint whether I have to use some patches. I have added the error message and the makefile I am using to build the system. Thanks a lot in advance. Juergen Kreuziger Institute for Real-Time Computer Control Systems & Robotics Faculty for Informatics University of Karlsruhe Germany E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > (clue-examples::just-say-lisp "") >>Error: The function 10 is undefined. UNDEFINED-FUNCTION: :C 0: Try evaluating #'10 again :A 1: Abort to Lisp Top Level -> :b UNDEFINED-FUNCTION <- CLUEI:CHANGE-GEOMETRY <- PCL::|(METHOD CLUEI:CHANGE- LAYOUT (CLUE-EXAMPLES::COLUMN))| <- PCL::A-COMBINED-METHOD <- PCL:CALL- NEXT-METHOD <- unnamed function <- PCL::|(METHOD CLUEI:CHANGE-LAYOUT :AROUND (CLUEI:COMPOSITE))| ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First I build up a lisp image containing PCL. I changed the following files of CLX: - socket.c : path of X-libs is changed to /usr/openwin/share/include/X11 - depdefs.lisp : (defvar *def-clx-class-use-defclass* t ...), so that classes are really used. Then I run a Makefile (see below) and get a lisp-image with CLX and CLUE. I inserted PCL in the use-list of menu.lisp. ----------- I am using the following Makefile: ... (load \"defsystem\")\ (load-clx)\ (cd \"${cluedir}\")\ (defvar *clx-directory* \"${clxdir}\")\ (rename-package (find-package (quote lisp)) \"LISP\" (quote (\"COMMON-LISP\")))\ (make-package \"CLUEI\" :use (quote (common-lisp xlib)))\ (import (quote lucid-common-lisp::ignore-errors) (find-package (quote cluei)))\ (load \"defsystem\")\ (compile-clue)\ (quit)"' | /tools/clue/lisp-pcl ...