(T. Todd Elvins) (11/10/90)
Send inquiries to: or call Cindy Laurence (619) 534-4220 SAN DIEGO WORKSHOP ON VOLUME VISUALIZATION DECEMBER 10-11, 1990 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA TECHNICAL PAPERS Title Author(s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDAY 09 DECEMBER 1990 (evening) Welcome reception, exhibits, registration MONDAY 10 DECEMBER 1990 Interactive Techniques Volume Probes: Interactive Don Speray Data Exploration on Steve Kennon Arbitrary Grids 3D Modeling Using K.D. Toennies an Extended Cell U. Tronnier EnumerationRepresentation Rendering I Volume Rendering and Data Dr. Wolfgang Krueger Feature Enhancement Area and Volume Coherence Roger Crawfis for Efficient Visualization Pat Hanrahan of 3D Scalar Functions Nelson Max Irregular Data Sets Raytracing Irregular Michael P. Garrity Volume Data Direct Volume Rendering Jane Wilhelms of Curvilinear Volumes Judy Challinger Shankar Ramamoorthy Naim Alper A Decomposition Algorithm Henry Neeman for Visualizing Irregular Grids Work in Progress Presentations Poster Session TUESDAY 11 DECEMBER 1990 Data Representation Octrees for Faster Jane Wilhelms Isosurface Generation Allen Van Gelder A Polygonal Approximation Peter Shirley to Direct Scalar Volume Allan Tuchman Rendering Algorithms Three-Pass Affine Pat Hanrahan Transforms for Volume Rendering Topological Considerations Jane Wilhelms in Isosurface Generation Allen Van Gelder Extended Abstract Rendering II Rendering Volumetric Data Roberto Scopigno Using the STICKS C. Montani Representation Scheme An Efficient Method for Dr. Donald P. Greenberg Volume Rendering with Kevin L. Novins Perspective Projection Francois X. Sillion Panel Session ============================================================================ TENTATIVE LIST OF WORK IN PROGESS PRESENTATIONS An a priori Depth Ordering & Point Location Algorithm for Meshed Polyhedra. Peter Williams and Peter Shirley - Univ of Illinois Visualization of 3D Unsteady Flow by Using a Particle Tracing Method. Susumu Shirayama - Institute for CFD Volume Rendering and Radiosity Method Using Smoothed Particle Configurations. Mikio Nagasawa - Institute for CFD. Case Study - Visualization of Multidimensional Seismic Data. Wes Bethel - Lawrence Berkeley Lab Experiments in Scalar and Vector Field Volume Visualization for CFD. Sam Uselton - NASA/AMES Recent Developments in Volume Rendering Techniques. Vincent Agiro - Vital Images ============================================================================ EXHIBITORS NASA Ames Research Center/Sterling Federal Systems Spyglass Sun Microsystems Vital Images Wavefront Technologies Stardent ACM/SIGGRAPH Video Review ============================================================================ CUT HERE --- REGISTRATION FORM FOLLOWS ============================================================================ San Diego Workshop on Volume Visualization December 10-11, 1990, San Diego, CA Registration Form Program The workshop program will closely follow that of the successful Chapel Hill Workshop on Volume Visualization held in May, 1989, and will combine technical papers and demonstrations of new techniques for visualizing data defined in volumes. There will be one or more panels and/or poster sessions scheduled. The workshop will be held near the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the new Price Center on the campus of the University of California, San Diego. Note: There will be a reception and demonstration session on Sunday, December 9, from 6pm to 9pm for attendees arriving early. Fees The registration fee is $250 if paid before August 31, 1990, and $275 after that. The workshop is limited to 225 registrants. The final deadline for registration is November 30, 1990, although we expect that the workshop will sell out long before then. Register Early. Your payment reserves your space. Cancellation refunds will be given until November 9, 1990, and no refunds will be possible after that. Please make your check, cashiers check, or Interna- tional money order payable to: San Diego Workshop on Volume Visuali- zation. Fee includes one copy of the workshop proceedings. Addi- tional copies will be available for purchase at the workshop. Hotels Two hotels near the workshop location are holding blocks of rooms for participants. The La Jolla Marriott, (800) 228-9290, is located three miles from UCSD and is offering rooms for $73, single or dou- ble. The La Jolla Village Inn is adjacent to the UCSD campus and provides complimentary transfer to/from the airport. The rates are $64/single and $69/double. For reservations call (800) 854-2900 from outside California and (800) 532-3737 from inside California. Reservations must be made 30 days in advance to get these special rates. Ask for the "Volume Visualization Workshop" room rates when you make your reservations. Shuttle buses will transport you between your hotel and the workshop. Make your airline and hotel reservations now. Flights and hotels are already being booked for a very large conference that is being held at the San Diego Convention Center at the same time as the workshop. Book your flight into San Diego International Airport -- Lindbergh Field. Information For additional information contact Lene Hartman at (619) 534-4220 or send electronic mail to Participant Information ____________________________________________________________________ [Name (first middle last)]: ____________________________________________________________________ [Title]: ____________________________________________________________________ [Organization]: ____________________________________________________________________ [Address]: ____________________________________________________________________ [City] : ____________________________________________________________________ [State/Postal-Code/Country]: ____________________________________________________________________ [Telephone]: ____________________________________________________________________ [e-mail or Fax]: ____________________________________________________________________ Please indicate any special needs or requirements you have for your attendance at this workshop (eg dietary needs). What aspect of this workshop most interests you ? Mail your completed registration form and accompanying check to: Lene Hartman, Conference Manager UCSD, D-013 San Diego Workshop on Volume Visualization La Jolla, CA 92093-0513 USA _________________________________________________ For Office Use Only: Check # __________ Date Rec'd: __________ Balance Due: __________ Initials: __________ _________________________________________________