[comp.graphics.visualization] Look at it this way...

benedict@chaos.utexas.edu (Thomas Benedict) (11/13/90)

I was talking with a colleague who had an interesting problem.  He has
a four-dimensional data set he needs to view.  The data set consists
of an X Y grid of around 80 elements on a side.  At each gridpoint
there are 64 elements, each corresponding to a certain doppler shift
toward and away from the viewer.  At each (x, y, doppler) is a
measurement of flux.  So the data looks something like this:

  |<----- 80 ---->|      /   ____
                        /   /___/| 32 units of speed toward us
-  +--+--+-- ... --+--+    |____|/
^  |  |  |         |  |    |____|/
|  +--+--+--     --+--+    |    |
   |  |  |         |  | \    ...
80 .                  .  \ |____|/ 0 speed toward us
|  .                  .    |____|/
V  |  |  |         |  |    |    |
-  +--+--+--     --+--+      ...
                           |____|/ 32 units of speed away from us

All of this data was taken from the center of a spiral galaxy.  What
he needs to get from this data is an idea of the gas flow at the
center of this galaxy.

I've thought of a couple of ways of looking at the data, but none
are quite satisfactory.  A perfect way of looking at it would be a
three dimensional vector field for the gas, but I don't think that can
be done with just this data.  If we had another viewer at a position
90 degrees away from our own we might be able to, but alas warp speed
space travel is still restricted to the movies.

If you can think of a way of looking at this, please mail it to me.  I
don't often read this newsgroup and might miss a reply.

Tom Benedict

eugene@eos.arc.nasa.gov (Eugene Miya) (11/15/90)

I had friends with similar but more simplistic problems:
complex functions which map from one complex space to another.
One of the usual suggestions is "Well you can't plot 4-D but
you can take the Euclidean norm of the function (3-D) and..."
That doesn't cut it, too much detail is lost.

I am certainly open to hearing other suggestions and forwarding them.

--e.n. miya, NASA Ames Research Center, eugene@eos.arc.nasa.gov
  {uunet,mailrus,most gateways}!ames!eugene

landheim@bbn.com (Greg Landheim) (11/15/90)

In article <7588@eos.arc.nasa.gov> eugene@eos.UUCP (Eugene Miya) writes:
>One of the usual suggestions is "Well you can't plot 4-D but
>I am certainly open to hearing other suggestions and forwarding them.

Of course you can alway plot 4-D by using the color of a 3-D point to
represent the fourth dimension.  Another alternative was described in:

"Plotting Contour Surfaces of a Function of Three Variables," Granville
Sewell, University of Texas at El Paso, ACM Transactions on Mathematical
Software, Vol. 14, No. 1, March 1988, Pages 33-34.

G. Landheim

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (11/16/90)

ENVISIONING INFORMATION by Edward Tufte (Graphics Press, 1990) describes
many methods of capturing fourth and higher dimensions of data -- and he's
primarily using static 2-D, on-printed page displays.

wex@dali.pws.bull.com (Buckaroo Banzai) (11/21/90)

[The original question related to how to view 4D-info in 3D.]

One thing I'm fond of, which I think frequently get shortchanged, is to map
the 4th dimension to time.  Paint a series of 3D pictures and show them in a
closed loop.  It's a little more compute-intensive, and you have to be
careful you don't imply something with motion that you didn't intend, but it
avoids having to collapse your data too much.

--Alan Wexelblat			phone: (508)294-7485
Bull Worldwide Information Systems	internet: wex@pws.bull.com
Never worry about theory as long as the machinery does what it's supposed to do.