[comp.graphics.visualization] subscription details for "The Visual Computer"

ianh@bhpmrl.oz.au (Ian Hoyle) (11/28/90)

Could someone supply me with the necessary subscription details for "The
Visual Computer" ?? I've seen a few issues and it looks pretty good.

Do others reading this group have any recommendations/hate-lists :-) for
computer graphics journals, preferably those with a visualization
orientation ?

                Ian Hoyle
     /\/\       Image Processing & Data Analysis Group
    / / /\      BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories
   / / /  \     245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170

ianh@bhpmrl.oz.au (Ian Hoyle) (12/10/90)

ianh@bhpmrl.oz.au (Ian Hoyle) writes:

>Could someone supply me with the necessary subscription details for "The
>Visual Computer" ?? I've seen a few issues and it looks pretty good.

I finally got the whole scoop on "The Visual Computer : International
Journal of Computer Graphics". It is the official journal of the Computer
Graphics Society with an annual membership fee of US$100. This gives you
6 issues of the journal. Subscription details:

North Ameria:
Ms.. Mary Johnson
Secretary General, CGS, USA
Design research Center
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York 12180-3590

Europe & Sth. America:
Prof. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann
President, CGS headquarters
Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
Universite de Geneve
12, rue du Lac
CH-1207 Geneve

Far East & Australasia:
Prof. Tosiyasu L. Kunii
President CGS Japan
Kunii Laboratory of Computer Science
Department of Information Science
Faculty of Science
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
Department of Computer Science

                Ian Hoyle
     /\/\       Image Processing & Data Analysis Group
    / / /\      BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories
   / / /  \     245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170
  / / / /\ \    AUSTRALIA
  \ \/ / / /
   \  / / /     Phone   :  +61-3-560-7066
    \/\/\/      FAX     :  +61-3-561-6709
                E-mail  :  ianh@bhpmrl.oz.au