[comp.graphics.visualization] Eurographics Workshop on Computer Graphics and Mathematics

ivan@cwi.nl (Ivan Herman) (02/22/91)


	      GENOVA - ITALY 28-31 October 1991


Aims and Scope: The aims of the workshop are (1) to provide a
forum for the exchange of research results in the application
of mathematics to Computer Graphics, i.e., a technology
transfer, (2) to encourage mathematicians to attack computer
graphics problems, and (3) to promote the use of all relevant
mathematical techniques and methods in computer graphics. A
secondary aim is to discover the basic mathematical tools
every computer graphics expert should have.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

   -Projective Geometry                 -Topological Modelling
   -Computational Geometry              -Non-manifold Modelling
   -Differential Geometry              
   -Fractal Geometry                  LOGIC AND REASONING 

 PROBABILITY                            -Theorem Proving
                                        -Symbolic Reasoning
   -Stochastic Functions
   -Monte-Carlo Methods               ANALYTICAL AND ALGEBRAIC TOOLS
   -Chaos Theory       
                                        -Algebraic Geometry
                                        -Complex Analytical Tools

Abstracts: We are planning to accept 35 papers. Please submit
3 copies of a single-spaced extended abstract of minimal 1000
and maximal 3000 words (not counting figures and references)
on A4 sheets before April 30, 1991 to the address below.
Those interested in attending but not submitting full papers
are requested to submit an abstract which should take the form
of a position paper, stating their view on some of the
relevant issues.  Invitation to submit revised versions for a
book (in the Eurographics Seminar Series) will depend on the
quality of the contributions.

Venue and Fee: The workshop will be held in S. Margherita -
(Genova) - Italy.  The fee will be about 630.000 Liras,
including accomodation and meals.

Organization: The workshop is organized by the I.M.A.
(Institute for Applied Mathematics) of the C.N.R. for

Workshop Co-chairperson: B.Falcidieno (Italy) and 
I.Herman (NL).

Programme Committee: F.Arbab (NL), W.Boehm (Germany),
K.Brodlie (UK), V.Capasso (Italy),M.Cohen (USA), F.Devai (UK),
T.Hewitt (UK), C.Hoffman (USA), G.Krammer (H), S.Mudur
(India), M.Overmars (NL), D.Rogers (USA), T.Sederberg (USA),
H.Seidel (Canada), T.Takala (Finland), A.Vinacua (Spain).

Workshop Format: The workshop is limited to about 50
participants.  Papers will be presented to the plenum while
specialized groups will be formed for discussion sessions.


	    30 April 1991  Deadline for abstracts

	  15-30 June 1991  Notification of acceptance

       28-31 October 1991  Workshop

         15 December 1991  Deadline for revised final papers 
                           for the book

Information: Please submit your extended abstract or write for
further details to:

Bianca Falcidieno or Caterina Pienovi

Istituto per la Matematica Applicata

Via L.B.Alberti 4, 16132 Genova, Italy

Email: FALCIDIENO@IMAGE.GE.CNR.IT     Phone: +39 10 - 517639
       PIENOVI@IMAGE.GE.CNR.IT        Fax:   +39 10 - 517801