[comp.graphics.visualization] SPEAKERS for Iowa Visualization and Imaging Conf.

knosp@tessa.iaf.uiowa.edu (boyd knosp) (03/06/91)

         Second Conference on Applications of Computer Visualization
                           and Imaging in Research
                      MARCH 28-29, 1991 IOWA CITY, IOWA

                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

	A second conference is being held that addresses topics involving the 
transfer of computer visualization and imaging technology into research.  The
conference features talks, posters, and demonstrations on applications of image
processing, three-dimensional rendering, computer-based graphics modeling of 
molecules, and computer animation.  Invited podium presentations on 
applications of computer visualization and imaging are planned.  Proposals for
panels, poster sessions, demonstrations, and other non-paper activities are 
being solicited. 

Registration fees non-students $25 before March 20, $40 after March 20
		  students $5 before March 20, $10 after March 20

Registration includes lunch.

Speaking Sessions
Thursday March 28, 1991
Cardiovascular Imaging 8:00-12:00
Chairs:	Dr. David J. Skorton, Univ. of Iowa, Professor of Medicine and
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Director of NIH Specialized Center of
Research in Coronary and Vascular Diseases and Steven R. Fleagle, Univ. of
Iowa,Technical Director, Cardiovascular Image Processing Laboratory

 8:10	Opening remarks by Dr. David Skorton, "Cardiovascular Imaging"   
 8:20	Speaker: Dr. Steve M. Collins and Dr. David Fisher, Univ. of Iowa, Dept.
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, "Detection and Tracking of Magnetic
Resonance Markers of the Myocardium"
 9:10	Speaker: Dr. Hewlett Melton, Jr., Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Medical
Department, "Cardiovascular Ultrasound Imaging from Research to Application"
10:30	Speaker: Dr. Dennis Parker, Univ. of Utah/LDS Hospital, Medical
Informatics,  "Quantitation of Cornonary Artery Angiograms by 3D Reconstruction"
11:20	Speaker: Dr. Jonathan L. Elion, Brown University, Division of Cardiology
"Computer Vision Methods for the Automated Recognition of Coronary Arteries"


Chair:	Jim Cramer, Univ. of Iowa, Inst. Hydraulic Res.  

 8:10	Speaker: Dr. Vincent Argiro, Assistant Professr of Physiology, MIU,
Founder and Chairman of Vital Images
8:40	Speaker: Ian Reid, Vice President, Stardent
9:10	Speaker: Tom Malzbender, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Visual Computing
Department,  "A Transform Technique for Volume Rendering" 
10:10	Speaker to be announced from Digital Equipment Corporation
10:40	Speaker: Brand Fortner, Spyglass, Inc., "Comprehensive Data-to-Image
Technology for Use on the Macintosh"
11:10	Speaker: Paul Ingersoll, Precision Visuals


Molecular Modelling 1:00 - 5:00 3/28/91
Chair:	Dr. Charles Barfknecht, Univ. of Iowa, College of Pharmacy 
1:00	Speaker: Dr. Yvonne Martin, Abbott Labs
1:45	Speaker: Dr. Mike Carson, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, Center for
Macromolecular Crystallography, "Modelling a Protein from Homology: Comparison
to Experimental Data" 
2:30	Coffee Break in Display Area
3:00	Speaker: Dr. J. Phillip Bowen, Univ. of Georgia
3:45	Speaker: Paul Leonard, Univ. of Iowa, Dept. of Pharmacology

VISUAL and INTERACTIVE SIMULATION  1:00 - 5:00 3/28/91
Chair: 	Dr. Jon Kuhl, Univ. of Iowa, Dept. of Electrical and Computer
1:00 	Speaker: Dr. Jim Bernard, Iowa State Univ., Dept. of Mechanical
1:50 	Speaker: Ronald Stahlberg, Univ. of Iowa CAD Research, Manager of Computer Graphics Facility
2:40	Coffee Break in Display Area
3:10 	Speaker: Bob Bacon, IBM Watson Research Lab
4:00	Speaker: Douglas Evans, Univ. of Iowa, Center for Computer Aided Design,
"High Performance Imagery for Driving Simulation"
4:30	Speaker: Richard Romano, Univ. of Iowa, Center for Computer Aided Design
"System Design of the Iowa Driving Simulator".



Chair: 	Dr. Richard Sjolund, Univ. of Iowa, Dept. of Botany
2:00	Speaker: Dr. John Russ, North Carolina State Univ.
2:50	Speaker: Dr. David C. Joy, Univ. of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, "Monte Carlo Simulations for Electron Microscopy"

4:00	Speaker: Dr. Vincent Argiro, Assistant Professor of Physiology, MIU,
Founder and Chairman of Vital Images
4:50	Other speakers to be announced

MEDICAL IMAGING 8:00-12:00 3/29/91

Chair:  	Dr. Shirish Jani, Univ. of Iowa, Division of Radiation Oncology
  8:05	Opening remarks by Dr. Jani	
  8:15	Speaker: Dr. Samuel J.  Dwyer III, Univ. of Kansas Medical Center,
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, "Digital Imaging in the 1990's" 
 9:00	Speaker: Dr. David Hussey,Univ. of Iowa, Division of Radiation Oncology,
"Morphometric Studies in Intraductal Breast Carcinoma Using Computerized Image
 9:30	Speaker: Dr. Richard Hichwa,Univ. of Iowa,  Director,  PET Center,
"Functional Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography"
10:00	Coffee Break in Display Area
10:30	Speaker: Dr. James Purdy, Washington Univ., "Recent Advances in
3-Dimensional Treatment Planning" 
11:15	Speaker: Dr. Paul Chang, Univ. of Iowa, Dept. of Radiology, "Morphologic
Analysis of Lung Fibrosis in HRCT Images Using Fractal Dimensional Analysis"

SESSION VII  8:00-12:00 3/29/91

Chair:	Dr. Frank Weirich, Univ. of Iowa, Geography
8:05	Speaker: Dr. Owen Thompson, Univ. of Maryland
	Other Speakers to be announced   	 

ISESSION VIII  8:00-12:00 3/29/91
Chair:	Dr. Mark Madsen, Univ. of Iowa, Dept. of Radiology
1:15	Speaker sponsored by  Hewlett Packard
1:45	Speaker: Lynn Thorsen, Evans and Sutherland Design Systems
2:15	Speaker: Liz Fowler, Sun Microsystems 
2:45	Speaker: Brian Kowalski, Stardent Computer
3:30	Speaker sponsored by Apple Computer, Inc.
4:00	Speaker sponsored by IBM
4:30	Speaker sponsored by SGI
5:00	Speaker sponsored by DEC 

Vendors of computer imaging and 	Registration materials can be obtained
visualization systems are invited to 	by contacting:
exhibit.  Request exhibit information 	Second Conference on Applications of 
from:  					Computer Visualization and Imaging 
Deb Hobbs      				in Research
85 EMRB					The Conference Center
University of Iowa			249 IMU
Iowa City, Iowa  52242			The University of Iowa
(319)-335-7900				Iowa City, Iowa 52242

Boyd Knosp				319-335-6715
University of Iowa			knosp@tessa.iaf.uiowa.edu
Image Analysis				77 EMRB Iowa City, IA 52242