[comp.graphics.visualization] Univs with work in field of vis.

sjoshi@ub.d.umn.edu (the_soothsayer) (03/15/91)

Hi netters,
Some time back, I had requested information about work going on
in the field of Visualization in various Univs. I also had soem requests
to post it on the newsgroup once I have substantial info.

Here is the first round. Netters with more information are requsted
to email me, so that I can soem time later post a bigger list.


Shashi Kant Joshi.
Dept. of Computer Sc.
Univ of Minnesota, Duluth

From cindy@spica.ucsc.edu Tue Feb  5 19:57:49 1991

 Here at UC Santa Cruz, Jane Wilhelms is working on visualization
 of computational fluid dynamics data with people at NASA Ames. She is
 interested in problems with visualization of data on an irregular grid.
 She and some of her students published several papers at the
 conference on Volume Visualization at UC San Diego in Dec. She has
 also been active in computer animation research.

 The other professor is Alex Pang and his research was simulating and
 visualizing the motion of heart muscle. I'm not sure where he is going
 now. He's new here this year!


From pete@saturn.ucsc.edu Wed Feb  6 17:19:57 1991

	Work in volume rendering (part of Sci-Viz) is going on at UC Santa

From kseethar@hawk.ulowell.edu Fri Feb 15 10:06:11 1991

We are doing a lot of work in this area at our school. I myself am doing
my PhD in visualization under Dr. Georges Grinstein.

You can contact him at grinstei@ulowell.ulowell.edu

Hope this helps ..

K. Seetharaman                   | email : kseethar@hawk.ulowell.edu
Graphics Research Laboratory     | Tel   : 508-934-3612
Department of Computer Science   |
University of Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854.

From: lblume@dilithium.asd.sgi.com (Leo Blume)

Silicon Graphics Inc., the leading supplier of 3D graphics
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MS 7U-550
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Leo Blume         lblume@asd.sgi.com        415-335-7368
             Silicon Graphics Inc. (ASD) 7U-550
