[comp.graphics.visualization] Widget needed

andyr@sag4.ssl.berkeley.edu (Andy Rose) (03/20/91)

Data received from the Extra UltraViolet Explorer is in the form of time stamped
photon events and a number of 'engineering parameters' or 'monitors'.  There
are some hundred monitors for each of the seven instruments.  These monitors 
range in importance.  Daylight/Nightlight, % coverage by South Atlantic
Anomoly, total flux, and voltage are important.  The nature of the instrument
is that the distortion of the image (2D spectrum) is dependent on flux.  So 
distortion is view dependent and can't be sampled out from initial (on the
ground) calibration tests.

Reduction of this data (lists of photon events) can be automated to some extent.
Interaction with the data is required to understand how monitor values effect
the instrument.  As this knowledge grows, better reduction methods can be 
automated.  The entire set cannot be reduced by hand (six months real-time 
events) and in fact can only be reduced automatically as compute power permits.
(You see, if it takes 1/6 of real time to reduce the set, that's a month
of crunching).

Proposal is to create an interactive environment for 'acting' on the data given
monitor conditions.  Photon events are selected from the database given a
window in the sky.  Since these events are not collected at the same time, the
satellite is in different states of 'health' for a given event.  The idea is
to build an accurate 'image' of that part of the sky.  The detection of a 
photon (it's position) is dependent on the monitors, so an astronomer must
be able to use the monitor data to 'build' an image.

The interesting thing here is the time dependent nature of the data.  An 
image will be made of events or groups of events which occured at different
times.  It could be night at the first pass and day the next, or the phase
of the moon changes, adding more background photons.  

I would like to display an initial image based on default parameters and
then allow the user to interact with some tools to fine tune the display.
One tool would be a clock which could highlight those pixels representing
photons collected at that time (or two clocks to set a range, or a color
pallette which maps color to time collected for the field). This would
allow a time based visual interpretation.  I am concerned that the human mind
will fail to see significant patterns if more than a few colors are used.

Another tool which would be generic for many monitors is a 2D plot of value
versus time.  The user could map color to the events according to monitor
value for that event.  For example, a monitor such as reference voltage
may indicate that the instrument behaved differently from one time 
to another.  So the user selects a few values for voltage and maps colors 
like white for calibrated voltages, red for near unacceptable and black
for way-out-there unreliable data.

For a twist, new monitors could be created from old.  Example is only
display points when moon_monitor is "new" and reference_voltage is within
acceptable range.  

More effects than coloring selected points must be supported.  If a monitor's
condition is known to shift data, those point's positions need to be adjusted
by a factor, i.e. Add a*mon_5 to x position of points selected.

It seems that multi-variate analysis of this sort could be useful for all
sorts of data (census,...) and that frameworks such as AVS, apE, etc. can
support this kind of interaction(?).
I wonder if a 2D plotting widget with selectable thresholds for color 
assignment (my,my,these things are difficult to describe) exists.


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