[comp.graphics.visualization] Stereo Pair generation

pdbourke@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz (Paul David Bourke) (05/12/91)

A bit of discussion lately on stereo pair generation.

Rayshade does this. You run RayShade twice, once with the left eye option
and once with the right eye. You also specify the camera separation. The
manual gives some hints on what the separation should be.

harrison@adm.csc.ncsu.edu (Lou Harrison) (05/13/91)

In article <1991May11.230815.19086@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz> pdbourke@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz (Paul David Bourke) writes:
>A bit of discussion lately on stereo pair generation.
>Rayshade does this. You run RayShade twice, once with the left eye option
>and once with the right eye. You also specify the camera separation. The
>manual gives some hints on what the separation should be.

	Be forewarned, Rayshade uses the Rotational model for stereo
pair generation which gives inaccurate results.  You can use a dual
eyepoint model by either 1) hacking rayshade which has been done here,
or 2) figuring out where you want each eye to be and just specifying
each eyepoint seperately to rayshade.  Either way, rayshade does twice
the work as for a single eyepoint.  To save work, read:
	Simultaneous Generation of Stereoscopic Views by Adelson,
Bentley, Chong, Hodges, and Winograd, to appear in COMPUTER GRAPHICS
FORUM 10(1) 1991.

	Ray Tracing Stereoscopic Images by Adelson & Hodges, submitted

or contact Steve Adelson at the College of Computing at Georgia
Institute of Technology.


- Lou Harrison   |  Software Systems Manager  |  (harrison@adm.csc.ncsu.edu) -
- 919-737-7279, NC State U., Computer Sci. Dept., Box 8206 Raleigh, NC 27695 -

kr0u+@andrew.cmu.edu (Kevin William Ryan) (05/15/91)

    Where do people get color glasses for 3D stereo separation? I will
be needing a dependable source soon.


Internet: kr0u+@andrew.cmu.edu