cw (10/22/82)
Robert Snyder suggests in an article on universities and personal computers that Drexel officials are getting a kickback from some computer manufacturer. May I be allowed to suggest that this is a reprehensible statement without any foundation and that if he had said it about a particular individual might well be actionable. In another article today, we read a complaint about ad hominem arguments in politics. Is it any wonder that politicians use these tactics when the electorate is so willing to use and believe them? Charles
rhm (10/23/82)
During the time that I was a University professor, I know of no object of any sort that I could have mandated that my students buy for which I was not in fact offered a kickback by the supplier. This is so universal in the case of textbooks, that it would be a bit hard to find a professor that did not accept the kickback.
as (10/26/82)
In a recent followup item, a former professor indicated that he/she had been offered kickbacks on all items that could be assigned to be purchased by students. He/she said that, for textbooks, "it would be a bit hard to find a professor that didn't accept a kickback." I don't know where (or if) this person taught, but in my six years on the faculty of two major universities, I was never once offered anything to get my students to purchase any items. I have been out of academia for three I'm sure things haven't changed to the extent that person would have us believe. Textbook manufacturers do give free samples to university faculty, but these are in an attempt to get them to examine the books for potential use, and are free whether or not the books are assigned to any course. "Kickbacks" implies remuneration for assigning books or items for students to purchase, and would be reprehensible on the part of any faculty member doing it. I notice this person didn't sign the item; I wonder why. Abe Shliferstein (machaids!as)
mrs@sri-unix (11/01/82)
Concerning the article posted by mhtsa!eagle!cw who was complaining that the idea of university officials getting kickbacks; if you will study the article immeadiatly preceeding, you will find a former university official who admits to there being kickbacks on all of the products he promoted. teklabs!reed!mrs