[comp.graphics.visualization] [summary] Looking for sources: Irregulaly sampled data => sampled on a fixed grid

johng@OCE.ORST.EDU (John A. Gregor) (05/30/91)

In article <6154@ns-mx.uiowa.edu> randy@tessa.iaf.uiowa.edu (randy frank) writes:

> I have data for a variable sampled at random points within a given
> area.  I would like to build an image from this data but this requires
> resampling the data on a fixed grid.  

This sounds very similar to a request I posted a couple of months back.
And since I never got around to summarizing and thanking the folks who
responded, I figgured that this would be a perfect opportunity.

First, what I wrote:

Me> We have a relatively large (several thousand) set of ocean samples in
Me> 3-D that we want to visualize.  Unfortunately, all the tools we have
Me> demand that the data be represented as gridded data or as a connected
Me> mesh (either tetrahedrons xor hexahedrons).  Any pointers to routines
Me> or literature to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.

Me> Some more notes about the data:  It's scattered in XY but linear in Z.
Me> Also, the number of and distance between Z samples varies among the XY
Me> locations.

Second, I would like to thank the following folks for taking the time
to respond:

	* - wes@ux5.lbl.gov (Wes Bethel)
	^ - nwatson@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Nathan F. Watson)
	* - uselton@wk207.nas.nasa.gov (Samuel P. Uselton)
	* - "John D. McCalpin" <mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu>
	* - sher@BBN.COM
	? - apas611@hermes.chpc.utexas.edu (David Boles)
	? - Al Boehnlein <ajb@iti.org>
	^ - Peter Hughes <pete@saturn.ucsc.edu>
	^ - lane@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (David A. Lane)
	? - Tegenf{lt <tegen@isy.liu.se>
	? - ianh@bhpmrl.oz.au (Ian Hoyle)
	* - Shai Guday <shaig@shum.huji.ac.il>
	* - Andrea Hin <hin%svcentld%HDEDH1.wldelft.nl@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>

    * - pointers to products, papers, techniques and other resources
    ^ - pointers to people who are doing similar things
    ? - They asked for information that I found

The request I posted was for a colleague.  He chose to write his own
routine to generate an interpolation function.  He then just sampled at
regular X, Y, and Zs.  So we never did construct a mesh of
tetrahedrons from the scattered points.

John A. Gregor
College of Oceanography			 E-mail: johng@oce.orst.edu
Oregon State University			Voice #: +1 503 737-3022
Oceanography Admin Bldg. #104		  Fax #: +1 503 737-2064
Corvallis, OR  97331-5503

From: wes@ux5.lbl.gov (Wes Bethel)

I have an avs module which does this.  The underlying number cruncher
is based on a quadratic sherard (sp?) approximation method.  This
source code is available from netlib.  If you've never used netlib
before, check it out.

First, send mail to netlib@ornl.gov.  The one-line body of the message
should be "send index".  The category you're interested in is TOMS
(Transactions on Mathematical SOftware).  So, you're next email to
netlib will be "send index from TOMS", though I can't remember if case
sensitivity is employed.  The algorithm number is something like 661.
Grep for "scattered" on the toms index and you'll find what you're
looking for.  Oh yeah, I hope you have a fortran compiler.

Good luck,

[ I would strongly recommend that everyone take a look at what netlib
has.  Also, I'd recommend sending the first part of the second
paragraph to anyone asking for anything in the graphics or
visualization newgroups. -JG ]

From: nwatson@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Nathan F. Watson)

John Gregor,

I am a student at Arizona State University.  I hope you find a suitable
algorithm to visualize your data.  I'd just like to let you know that a
friend of mine is working on the very problem you describe (i.e.,
visualizing data sampled in random (x,y) locations at varying z
depths).  Though your need may be short-term, you might profit by
contacting him, and I am sure he would appreciate more real-world
data.  I believe you can contact him at e-mail address
lane@enuxha.eas.asu.edu, and if not, you can always mail me.  You can
reach him by USMail at

   David Lane
   Computer Science Department
   Arizona State University
   Tempe, AZ 85287-5406

The CAGD faculty at Arizona State University are committed to research
in scientific visualization and have several recent publications
dealing with data interpolation and visualization.  Thank you very much
for your attention.

Nathan F. Watson

[ David Lane also sends mail later -JG ]

From: uselton@wk207.nas.nasa.gov (Samuel P. Uselton)
Fluid dynamicists are starting to use "unstructured" grids for
computational simulations.  Points are distributed to put higher
density in "more interesting" regions.  Programs are used to make
tetrahedra based on these points with highly variable spacing.  Typical
grids have HUNDREDS of thousands of points.  They basically start from
something like the Voronoi diagram's dual (see also Delaunay, Dirichlet
tesselations).  Best sources for algorithm desciptions: books on
Computational Geometry, eg Edelsbruner or Preparata & Shamos.  There
may be software floating about, but I don't have it.

hope this helps.

Sam Uselton 		uselton@nas.nasa.gov		
employed by CSC		working for NASA (Ames)		speaking for myself


From: "John D. McCalpin" <mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu>

For synoptic data, I would recommend a scatter-plot technique in three
dimensions. I would use hue to represent the amplitude of the field
(salinity or temperature) and using depth-cuing (varying 'value' in the
hue-value-saturation system) to represent the distance from the
viewer.  This is pretty easy to do on a Silicon Graphics machine.  The
hardware limitation is that you have to divide the data into a fairly
small number of hues because you need to fit the color ramps for each
hue into the color table.

John D. McCalpin			mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu
Assistant Professor			mccalpin@brahms.udel.edu
College of Marine Studies, U. Del.	J.MCCALPIN/OMNET

[ Yes, scatter plots are another useful visualization technique.  However
we were specifically trying to create contour plots and isosurfaces,
which require grids (or some other interpolation -JG ]

From: sher@BBN.COM

Using our true-3-D SpaceGraph display, we can simply display the points
as points, wherever they are.  If you have any opportunity to visit
here (BBN, Cambridge, MA), I'd be happy to show you, with your data.
            /Internet email: sher@bbn.com
Larry Sher <        US Mail: BBN, MS 6/5A, 10 Moulton St., Cambridge, MA 02138
            \     Telephone: (617) 873 3426    FAX: (617) 873 3776


From: apas611@hermes.chpc.utexas.edu (David Boles)

Hello John,

I work at a sonar research lab and would be very interested in the
results of your request for information about data visualization.  If
it isn't too much trouble, could you please email me the replies that
you get.

Have you looked at volumetric rendering packages?

David Boles
Applied Research Labs
University of Texas at Austin

[ Yes, we have AVS on a DECstation 5000-200, apE, Wavefront
Data-Visualizer, Wavefront Advanced Visualizer + homebrew code, I think
we have slicer on some macs, etc.  Lots of programs, dozens of file
formats, never enough disk space, etc.  -JG ]

From: Al Boehnlein <ajb@iti.org>

I'd be intrested also in the replies that you get.  I have a simular
problem with Z data from a gaging instrument.



From: Peter Hughes <pete@saturn.ucsc.edu>

A person I know who has worked with similar oceanographic data is
Cindy Ferguson (cindy@spica.ucsc.edu).

From: lane@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (David A. Lane)

Dear Dr. Gregor,
[ Sigh, not yet.  'John' will do nicely :-) -JG ]

I have read your article in comp.graphics.visualization regarding
visualization of a large set of ocean samples in 3D.  One of the topics
in my dissertation, which I am currently working on, is the
interpolation and visualization of well-log data.

From your description of the data, I believe your data are similar
to well-log data, i.e. data sampled densely at arbitrarily located
wells.  Currently, I am working for Dr. Thomas A. Foley at Arizona
State University, and we are developing a method for interpolating
well-log data.  We have tested our method on several set of mining data
and if you are interested, we can apply our method to your data.  We
also have developed a program to visualize well-log data.

We look forward to hear from you.

David Lane
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ

(602) 965-3245

From: Tegenf{lt <tegen@isy.liu.se>

In comp.graphics.visualization you write:

I don't have anything you might have any use for, but I would like to
hear from you if/when you've got some replies on your posting. My main
interests are divided into two areas, fast photorealistic raytracing
and visualization of 3D volumes of different kinds.

Yours sincerely

  Clas Tegenfeldt
  Linkoping University

From: ianh@bhpmrl.oz.au (Ian Hoyle)


I'd *really* appreciate it if you could pass on any responses that you get.

I have a not so dissimilar problem using reservoir simulation data which has
the data points lying on what I would loosely call a spatially deformed
3-grid :-) ie. the grid follows the geology so the voxel elements are
irregular hexahedrons.

I've been playing with Wavefront's new data visualizer on the problem with
some success, but it is early days as far as the development of that product
goes. My machine is a SiliconGraphics 240VGX and what I*would* like to try
out is using VoxelView (which is REALLY fast on our VGX) on the data regridded
to a uniform 3-D grid.

Anyway .... I hope you turn something up !!

                Ian Hoyle
     /\/\       Image Processing & Data Analysis Group
    / / /\      BHP Research - Melbourne Laboratories
   / / /  \     245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170
  / / / /\ \    AUSTRALIA
  \ \/ / / /
   \  / / /     Phone   :  +61-3-560-7066
    \/\/\/      FAX     :  +61-3-561-6709
                E-mail  :  ianh@bhpmrl.oz.au

[ It sounds like you have an easier problem, you know the topology of the
mesh already.  Then, for each point in your uniform grid, determine what
hexahedron you are in and interpolate (or average, or whatever).  Good
luck! -JG ]

From: Shai Guday <shaig@shum.huji.ac.il>

You neglected to say what your graphical system is. I have been searching for
such a system that is compatible with X11R4. The closest thing that I
have found is gnuplot3d - which is compatible with several other
systems as well, though I am uncertain as to its capabilities in
handling such a large number of data.

I have recently been sent to the source code of a program called
xwave which is used to project waves upon a mesh. This code (~350 lines)
is relatively simple and I will be using it as the basis of a larger
program with animation capabilities. If you do recieve other answers
or suggestions, please let me know as I would be most interested in
saving the hours I plan to spend on the project.

Shai Guday                          This product is all-natural and
MOSIX System Group                  contains NO artificial colorings
Hebrew University                   or artificial preservatives.
email: shaig@hujinix.huji.ac.il     

[ Graphics system depends on the tool.  Some use X, some sunview, some
GL (SGI & IBM), some starbase (HP), some PHIGS, some PEX, some quickdraw,
some postscript, some tek 4100, etc.  The common feature is that most
only talk to gridded data.  -JG ]

From: Andrea Hin <hin%svcentld%HDEDH1.wldelft.nl@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>

Dear John Gregor,

I read your mail about visualizing irregular data.  Try to contact
Dynamic Graphics, Inc.  They have a program called the Interactive
Volume Modeling System. It is able to read irregular data, although
they transform it in a preprocessing step into a regular data set. Fun
is that it can indicate the data points of the irregular grid by
drawing vertical lines from the surface to the point of measurement.

You can contact them:

1015, Atlantic Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
Phone 415-522 0700
Fax   415-522 5670

By the way, the IVM program is a commercial product!
I have no details on prices.


Andrea Hin
Delft Hydraulics
The Netherlands