(Eugene N. Miya) (04/02/91)
[WARNING ROCKY ROAD AHEAD -- UNDER CONSTRUCTION reduce MFLOPS ahead.] You will typically ask, and I (amelia) must try to answer 1) where can you pick up source code? 2) where can you get results? This list can start to answer 1). 2) is a more difficult proposition, and I can't begin to describe the problems. A few sources in 1) can answer 2). As you will see the problem isn't obtaining information, it's sorting it out, and learning something meaningful. PERFECT (post-facto acronynm: PERFormance Evaluation for Cost-effective Transformations) Contact: J. Larson ( Center for Supercomputing Research and Development 305 Talbot Laboratory 104 South Wright Street Urbana, Illinois 61801 NISTLIB/NBSLIB send index includes LLNL loops (aka Livermore Loops, Livermore Fortrasn Kernels (LFK), NAS kernels, Los Alamos benchmarks, parcbench, whetstone, dhrystone, mendez, and many others no results NETLIB benchmark index (Linpack benchmark) send index from benchmark includes linpack (100x100,300x300,1000x1000) SPEC [Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative] c/o Franson & Hagerty 181 Metro Drive Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95110 Phone: 408-453-5220 Fax: 408-453-8723 SPEC membership costs: Initiation $10,000 Annual Dues $ 5,000 SPEC Associate: Initiation $2,500 Annual Dues $1,000 To qualify as a SPEC associate, you must be an accredited educational institution or a non-profit organization. An associate has no voting privileges. An associate will receive the newsletter and the benchmark tapes as they are available. In addition, an associate will have early access to benchmarks under development so that an associate may act in an advisory capacity to SPEC. The SPEC tape still costs $699 which includes the cost of a 1 year subscription to the SPEC newsletter. The tape by itself costs $300. There are no discounts for the SPEC tape/newsletter. Performance mailing list: (oriented toward performance analysis using quantitative modeling (Mean-Value Analysis [MVA], etc.) ACM/SIGMETRICS (Perforance Evaluation Review) Other benchmarks: iostone: iocall: I have two versions. (Will substitute developer net address soon) iobench: bonnie: I have a version of this as well. slalom: Archive-directory: [] %A J. Gustafson %A D. Rover %A S. Elbert %A M. Carter %T SLALOM: The First Scalable Supercomputer Benchmark %J Supercomputing Review %D November 1990 %P 56-61 %A John Gustafson %A Diane Rover %A Stephen Elbert %A Michael Carter %T The Design of a Scalable, Fixed-Time Computer Benchmark %R IS-5049/UC-32 %I Ames Lab, Iowa State University %D 1990 has the SLALOM sources in various languages and other things including the latest reported results in pub/Slalom/Reports/CurrentReport smith: OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing): Jim Gray, Tandem Serlin? Gibson mix: IBM NCR benchmark: Have a copy (pio) might not be up to date. nhfstone/NFSstone: (I have a copy of this.) To: Subject: send unsupported nhfsstone tcp/ip benchmarks: ttcp Archive: [] (TTCP is the most common TCP benchmark. Most commonly used as well as most commonly abused and perverted to generate marketing numbers, and most commonly enhanced to do things the enhancer considers important. Look for the authorative source on and more or less true copies many other places, including Rhealstone: real time Lhynestone: graphics (TBD, work suspended) MUSBUS (current version is 5.0 with patches to 5.2): uunet: comp.source.unix volume11/musbus, patches to 5.2 on volume12/musbus5.2 gbench: (X graphics benchmark) uunet: comp.source.unix volume 15 tbench: uunet: comp.source.misc plum-benchmarks: uunet: comp.source.unix volume 20 Byte benchmarks: (If not below, I have them, also integrated into MUSBUS[?}). pub/byteunix.tar.Z Gabriel: (LISP) See his book on the subject MIT press. [I'll fill in the entry, I have the code.] SEI Ada benchmarks: The Software Engineering Institute of the CMU/DARPA has a set of Ada benchmarks. Contact them. They may require special permission. GPC Graphics Performance Characterization {group|committee} contact Bob Willis at NCGA (703-698-9600) article on PLB in July 1989 Computer Graphics World. RhosettaStone: Speech synthesis and recognition benchmark: e.g., How to recognize speech. How to wreck a nice beach. My sister machine: COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE BENCHMARKS (i.e. mucho $$) The following not only cost some money, but people who pay for them are not allowed to report results in some cases. Caveat emptor. Mention here does NOT constitute an endorsement. AIM Technology Benchmark (Dronek and beyond) [Actually some interesting stuff in one or two versions.] Neal Nelson Business Benchmark 35 East Wacker Dr. Suite 150 Chicago, IL 60601-1462 312-332-3242 I was informed this was blasted in PER (SIGMETRICS). Reports are not open (copyrights). Khornerstone (The Lab Report) IF you are thinking of writing benchmarks, you need a good name. ARS/Workstation Laboratories 4324 N. Beltline, Suite C211 Irving, TX 75038 (214)-570-7100 [Fax (214)-570-4201] $995 at this time. Reports are not open (copyrights). Seriously, append the year to the end of your name like name90. It sets a useful point for revision control. You can learn about other things, but that's later. NO SINGLE-FIGURE-OF-MERITs.