(Bert Tyler) (11/11/90)
Does anybody know anything about IBM's new XGA adapter, its Windows drivers, and whether it can work in a dual-monitor (XGA and VGA) setup with CodeView-for-Windows? What I am specifically interested in is running Codview-for-Windows, which requires a dual-monitor setup. For you non-MicroChannel guys, that involves running a VGA and an MDA adapter. For us guys with PS/2s, however, the only setup that works currently is an 8514A/VGA combo. What I was wondering was whether an XGA/VGA dual-monitor setup was possible for us guys with older PS/2s (with a VGA adapter already on the motherboard), and whether Codeview-for-Windows would recognize and handle that setup. I currently have a PS/2 model 8580-071 (beefed up to 6MB RAM) and its on-board VGA with a Zenith 1490 flat-screen monitor. I also have a non-name ($100) monochrome VGA monitor that I could use as a second monitor if I dont want or don't need to purchase a second monitor. My guess is that an XGA/VGA setup won't work with CVW, as that probably requires specific knowledge about the dual-adapter setup by Codeview, and the XGA didn't exist back when the last version of CVW was written. I would be extremely happy to find out that I am wrong on this, however. I'm posting this in the .programmer conference as I suspect that only programmers will be interested in CVW-related topics.