[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Word for Windows and DOS idle interrupt

oeschi@netmbx.UUCP (Johann Deutinger) (12/11/90)

I am developing a TSR using Tesseract (which seems to be a very useful product)
to do some background processing from time to time. It even works well together
with Windows 3.0 with one exception: when I use Word for Windows no DOS idle
interrupts (INT28) occur. Tesseract needs them to poll my TSR for background
processing. Other Windows applications (Write, Pagemaker, CorelDraw ...) don't
cause this problem. Any help for me?


oeschi@netmbx.UUCP     | Johann Deutinger
voice +49 30 396 50 21 | Ferrari electronic GmbH (.. no, we don't sell cars)
fax   +49 30 396 80 20 | Beusselstr. 27  -  1000 Berlin 21  -  FRG