[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Anyone make their own fonts under 3.0 SDK?

todd@ivucsb.sba.ca.us (Todd Day) (12/20/90)

Well, I've followed Microsoft's example in Chaper 18 of the Guide
to Programming TO THE LETTER including errata.  Well, it doesn't
work.  I keep getting complaints from the compiler about undefined
segments.  Here are the errors:

masm lcdnums;
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 5.10
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981, 1988.  All rights reserved.

cMacros Version 5.20 - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1984-1988
Windows support

  49366 + 164448 Bytes symbol space free

      0 Warning Errors
      0 Severe  Errors

  link lcdnums.obj, lcdnums.exe, NUL, /NOD, lcdnums.def

Microsoft (R) Segmented-Executable Linker  Version 5.10
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-1990.  All rights reserved.

LINK : error L2049: no segments defined

There was 1 error detected
LCDNUMS.MAK(7) : fatal error U1013: 'link lcdnums.obj, lcdnums.exe, NUL, /NOD, l
cdnums.def' : error 2

Here are the rest of the files except for lcdnums.fnt:

title	stub file to build lcdnums.fon resource file

include	cmacros.inc

sBegin	CODE

library	lcdnums

description	'FONTRES 100,96,96: LCD Numbers'

exetype	windows

stub	'winstub.exe'
data	none

lcdnums.obj:	lcdnums.asm
	masm lcdnums;

lcdnums.fon:	lcdnums.def lcdnums.obj lcdnums.rc lcdnums.fnt
	link lcdnums.obj, lcdnums.exe, NUL, /NOD, lcdnums.def
	rc lcdnums.rc
	rename lcdnums.exe lcdnums.fon

1	font	lcdnums.fnt

Here is the .map file that results from the assembler:


 Start     Length     Name                   Class
 0001:0000 00000H     _TEXT                  CODE
 0001:0000 00000H     _DATA                  DATA

 Origin   Group
 0001:0   DGROUP

So, what the heck am I doing wrong?

Todd Day |   todd@ivucsb.sba.ca.us   |  ucsbcsl!ivucsb!todd

** Ask me about the August, 1991, Gold Rush mini-rallye! **

dlb@hpsad.HP.COM (Dave Bringhurst) (12/21/90)

The fonts I use under Windows 3.0 are linked using the old linker, link4.

If I try to use link, I get the same error that you do; otherwise, 
everything works fine.