[comp.windows.ms.programmer] UCB Windows builder/prototyper doc

dea@hpsesrwd.HP.COM (Bob Dea) (01/08/91)

Latest version of UCB for MS Windows 3.0 is on cica.cica.indiana.edu

Also UCB has been sent to comp.binaries.ibm.pc and should show up there in a
week or two.

                        UCB/WordPlan (tm) 

    UCB/WordPlan for Windows 3.0 is a program that will assist a 
    appliction programmer in prototyping a MS Window application.
    It will prompt the programmer for basic information about the
    layout of the MS Window application and generate all necessary
    files required to compile and link the MS Window prototype

    The current distribution disk contains the following files.

    The UCB/WordPlan for Windows 3.0 files.

            UCB/WordPlan (Version A.01.00)
	    The following is the UCB/WordPlan program files

            UCB.COM      - A.01.00
            UCB.000      - A.01.00
            UCB.001      - A.01.00

            Windows 3.0 scripts (Version 1.0)
            The following are the Windows 3.0 script files

	    WINDOWS      - version 1.01 patched to fix ICON problem 12/17/90
	    MENUITEM.000 - version 1.00
	    MENUITEM.001 - version 1.00
	    MENUITEM.002 - version 1.00
	    MENUITEM.003 - version 1.00
	    SUBMENU.000  - version 1.00
	    SUBMENU.001  - version 1.00
	    SUBMENU.002  - version 1.00
	    SUBMENU.003  - version 1.00
	    DIALOG.000   - version 1.00
	    DIALOG.001   - version 1.00
	    DIALOG.002   - version 1.00
	    DIALOG.003   - version 1.00
	    CHILDWIN.000 - version 1.00

All the files MUST reside in the same directory and the resultant
Windows 3.0 program files will also be generated in that directory.

NOTE!! You will need to have :

       Microsoft C 6.0 compiler
       Microsoft Windows SDK for 3.0
       Microsoft Windows 3.0 or above

To install 
	create a directory on your hard disk and copy
        all the UCB/WordPlan files to it.

To run
	> cd <to that directory that contain all the UCB/WordPlan files>
	> ucb windows

	> <answer the questions> 

        press function key 8 (F8) to exit

Files generated are :

        <userapp>      - nmake file
        <userapp>.h    - .h file
        <userapp>.c    - .c source file
        <userapp>.rc   - .rc resource file
        <userapp>.def  - .def defination file

To compile
	> nmake <userapp name>

To run
	> win <userapp name>

*** Note ****

1. If you want UCB/WordPlan to generate code for dialog boxes you should
create only one dialog box per dialog file.  Both the dialog box file
name and the name of the dialog box MUST be the same.  

2. The Windows 3.0 script support only one MODELESS dialog box.
You can have as many MODAL dialog boxes as you want.

3. If you connect the same dialog box to multiple Menu items the
Windows 3.0 script will generate multiple dialog box procedures.
You will need to modify the code by removing the multiple procedures.

4. The Windows 3.0 script will generate in the <app>.h file
the following #defines.

Change these values to fit your dialog boxes.

/* --------------------------------------------- */
/* MODIFY these defines to fit your Dialog Boxes */
/* --------------------------------------------- */
#define ID_OK      1
#define ID_CANCEL  2

5. You should be able to use Microsoft C 5.1 but you must
make the necessary changes to the nmake file.

6. The Windows 3.0 script currently do not support the
generation of cascading sub menus.


Example execution:

> ucb windows

 Processing script WINDOWS

Windows 3.0 Application Generator  (Version 1.0)

(C) Copyright DEA Software 1990

On questions that ask for a "1" for a positive response you
can reply negatively with a "0" response.

Enter Name of Window program (Max 8 chars) TESTPROG
Enter Window Caption string This is my Windows 3.0 program
Enter a 1 if you have an Icon file             : 1
Enter Name of Icon file MYICON
Enter a 1 if to select a Cursor                : 1
Standard Cursors
0 == IDC_ARROW,  1 == IDC_IBEAM,    2 == IDC_WAIT
6 == IDC_ICON,
Enter you cursor selection (0-6)                 : 3
Enter a 1 if you wish to set Window position   : 1
Enter initial x position                       : 10
Enter initial y position                       : 50
Enter initial x size                           : 200
Enter initial y size                           : 200
Enter a 1 if you want Vertical scroll bars     : 1
Enter a 1 if you want Hort scroll bars         : 1
Enter a 1 if you want System Menu              : 1
Enter a 1 if you want Maximize box             : 0
Enter a 1 if you want Minimize box             : 0
Enter a 1 if you want to set Background color  : 1
Background Brush Colors
Enter you brush selection (0-5)                 : 2
Enter a 1 for Medium Model, or 0 if Small Model : 1
Enter a 1 if you want a Mouse support           : 1
Enter a 1 if you want a Character input support : 0
Enter a 1 if you want a Timer procedure         : 1
* Section to design the pulldown menus for your application *
Enter Number of Main Menu Items                 : 3

Enter Main Menu name : &File
Enter Number of Sub Menu items for "&File" : 3
Enter Sub Menu #              1.00 Name : &Open
Enter 0 = User code, 1 = Modal Dlg, 2 = Modeless Dlg : 1
Enter Dialog Box name (Max 8 chars) OPENDLG
Enter Sub Menu #              2.00 Name : &Run
Enter 0 = User code, 1 = Modal Dlg, 2 = Modeless Dlg : 0
Enter Sub Menu #              3.00 Name : &Exit
Enter 0 = User code, 1 = Modal Dlg, 2 = Modeless Dlg : 0

Enter Main Menu name : &Edit
Enter Number of Sub Menu items for "&Edit" : 3
Enter Sub Menu #              1.00 Name : &Cut  
Enter 0 = User code, 1 = Modal Dlg, 2 = Modeless Dlg : 0
Enter Sub Menu #              2.00 Name : &Copy
Enter 0 = User code, 1 = Modal Dlg, 2 = Modeless Dlg : 0
Enter Sub Menu #              3.00 Name : &Paste
Enter 0 = User code, 1 = Modal Dlg, 2 = Modeless Dlg : 0

Enter Main Menu name : &Help
Enter Number of Sub Menu items for "&Help" : 0
Enter 0 = User code, 1 = Modal Dlg, 2 = Modeless Dlg : 0

Windows 3.0 Application Generated

- The above will have generated a MS Windows 3.0 application
- Name of the application is "TESTPROG"
- The title will be "This is my Windows 3.0 program" 
- Display the icon "MYICON.ICO" when minimized
- Display a IDC_CROSS cursor within the client area
- When initially displayed it will be positioned at 10, 50
- Its dimensions will be 200 by 200
- It will display and have code to support Vertical Scroll bars
- It will display and have code to support Hort Scroll bars
- It will have a System Menu
- The client area background will use the GRAY_BRUSH brush
- The NMAKE file will compile for Medium Model
- Code will be generated to support a Mouse in the client area
- Code will be produced to support a Timer 
- The application will have 3 Menus selections across the top

  |               This is my Windows 3.0 program
  | File    Edit    Help

- The "File" menu will have 3 pulldown menu items

        Open  -  when selected will display a Modal Dialog Box "OPENDLG"
        Run   -  support user code
        Exit  -  support user code

- The "Edit" menu will have 3 pulldown menu items

        Cut    - support user code
        Copy   - support user code
        Paste  - support user code

- The "Help" menu will call user code when selected.


The following files will have been generated :


To Compile :
> nmake testprog

To Run :
> win testprog


UCB/WordPlan for Windows 3.0 is distributed as a shareware product. 
We encourage users if they find UCB/WordPlan useful to send 
DEA Software a donation of $79.95

We ask for your help in distributing UCB/WordPlan for Windows 3.0 to
others and encouraging them to send donations to us.

    Send checks to:
                        DEA Software
                        P.O. Box 968
                        Fremont, CA 94537

    What you get if you donate $79.95

    Our thanks and a copy of the latest UCB/WordPlan for Windows 3.0

    You will help make the shareware concept work. Without your
    support we can not afford to maintain and create additional
    shareware products.


If you have made enhancements to the Windows 3.0 script files and
would like to share them with others. Please put them on a 5 1/4
disk and send them to DEA Software.  We will try to make them
available to other users.