[comp.windows.ms.programmer] simple button control--easy way?

dave@wucs1.wustl.edu (David T Mitchell III) (01/11/91)

I'm trying to create a *simple* button control that functions exactly like
a BS_PUSHBUTTON with three slight differences:

    (1) no grey button region; should look (and function with SetText) as
    if it was a "static" class.

    (2) text appears in a different color

    (3) cursor changes when over the control

This should look familiar--it's basically what winhelp does for hyper-
text stuff.  The word is in green and the cursor changes to a finger when
over it.  (but note that I also want to be able to do enable/disable, SetText/
GetText, etc, just as if it was a BS_PUSHBUTTON or a static).

So...  Methinks there should be an easy, clever way to do this.  Here's what
I've been trying:

Create a new window class, "mybutton," with:
       wc.hCursor= LoadCursor(hinst, "handicon");
       wc.lpfnWndProc= MyButtonProc;

...Now set up some window subclassing for button by doing:
       WNDCLASS        wc;
       FARPROC         lpfnButton;
       case WM_CREATE:                     /* in WinMainProc */
               GetClassInfo(NULL, "button", &wc)
               lpfnButton= wc.lpfnWndProc;
               return 0;

...And MyButtonProc ends with:
       return CallWinProc(lpfnButton, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);

Okay.  Suppose MyButtonProc contains nothing but the return statment.  I've
found that if the resource script contains:
    CONTROL "test", IDD_TEST, "mybutton", BS_PUSHBUTTON | SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD,...

then everything works just like I want it to except, of course, for the grey
button area and the text color.  But if I change BS_PUSHBUTTON above to
BS_USERBUTTON, then the text stuff drops out.

If I add the following to MyButtonProc:
       switch(message) {
              case WM_SETTEXT:
		GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect);
		hdc= GetDC(hwnd);
		DrawText(hdc, LPSTR(lParam), -1 &rect, DT_SINGLELINE...);
		ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
		return 0;

...It seems to work, SOMETIMES.  About 1/2 the time I get unrecov app errors
when I run it.  Can't figure out where the problem lies.  Is it that my string
area moves? (In the dialog loop I do a
		SendDlgItemText(hDC, wParam, (LPSTR)szValues[val]);
...where szValues[] is in the dialog module.)

Could it be caused by the subclassing calls?  I tried making them into thunks
with MakeProcInstance, but the examples I've seen just do it the way shown


dave           dave@wucs1.wustl.edu