[comp.windows.ms.programmer] C or C++ for Windows Programming

hwenger@aut.autelca.ascom.ch (Hansjuerg Wenger) (01/14/91)

Hello Windows Programmers,

I have to take the decision which programing language I should use
in a project where Windows should be the GUI. 
There are two posibilities:

Microsoft C V6.0

Zortech C++ V2.1

I have little experience with C-programming (but not with C++), and
I have experience with OOP (Smalltalk-80).
But we have to decide this basically in our department. And I'm 
interested in a fundametally discussion about this subject.

Thank you for your answers!

Hansjuerg Wenger AV-FES6.1   VOICE:  +41 31 52 93 34
Ascom Autelca AG             FAX:    +41 31 52 72 95
CH-3073 Guemligen            EMAIL:  hwenger@autelca.ascom.ch
Switzerland                  UUCP:   uunet!chx400!hslrswi!aut!hwenger

rdthomps@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Robert D. Thompson) (01/15/91)

In article <1293@aut.autelca.ascom.ch> hwenger@aut.autelca.ascom.ch (Hansjuerg Wenger) writes:
>Hello Windows Programmers,
>I have to take the decision which programing language I should use
>in a project where Windows should be the GUI. 
>There are two posibilities:
>Microsoft C V6.0
>Zortech C++ V2.1
>I have little experience with C-programming (but not with C++), and
>I have experience with OOP (Smalltalk-80).
>But we have to decide this basically in our department. And I'm 
>interested in a fundametally discussion about this subject.

	An OOPS for prototypiing (Object/1, Actor, etc.. Oh Smalltalk V)


	Zortech 2.1 and CNS/Views


		Well because you compared it to Microsoft C V6.0
		That's why...case closed!


Robert D. Thompson
rdthomps@vela.acs.oakland.edu		"Object is already a cliche"