[comp.windows.ms.programmer] GlobalAlloc and arrays > 64k

ddoherty@ics.uci.edu (Donald Doherty) (01/28/91)

	I allocated global memory for use by a three dimensional array
in the following way...

#define LTSTOP 605
#define NCLS   50
#define NCPOPS 3
static GLOBALHANDLE hPSomaMemory; 
static GLOBALHANDLE hPSoma1Memory; 
static GLOBALHANDLE hPSoma2Memory; 
static GLOBALHANDLE hPSoma3Memory;
hPSomaMemory = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, NCPOPS * sizeof(int)); 
hPSoma1Memory = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, NCLS * LTSTOP * sizeof(int)); 
hPSoma2Memory = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, NCLS * LTSTOP * sizeof(int)); 
hPSoma3Memory = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, NCLS * LTSTOP * sizeof(int)); 
lpPSoma = (int FAR **) GlobalLock (hPSomaMemory); 
lpPSoma[0] = (int FAR *) GlobalLock (hPSoma1Memory); 
lpPSoma[1] = (int FAR *) GlobalLock (hPSoma2Memory); 
lpPSoma[2] = (int FAR *) GlobalLock (hPSoma3Memory); 
for (i = 0; i < NCPOPS; i++)
  for (j = 0; j < NCLS; j++)
    lpPSoma[i][j * LTSTOP + l] = ...;

It works but it seems rather messy.  (However I do get a Warning at
compile time: segment lost in conversion.  Any ideas why?)  Is there
a better way to do this?

If I want **lpPSoma to point to an array containing four addresses to
arrays rather than three (or n addresses for that matter) I would
need four separate handles, one for each array.

I initially attempted to declare a huge int array as shown below.

int huge *lpPSoma;
hPSomaMemory = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, NCPOPS * NCLS * LTSTOP * sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < NCPOPS; i++) 
  for (j = 0; j < NCLS; j++) 
    lpPSoma[(i * NCLS * LTSTOP) + (j * LTSTOP) + l] =...; 

This is much cleaner but crashes (run time, no compiler warnings)
when the array exceeds segment size (64k).  I must be using it
incorrectly somehow.

I will be grateful for any help in using GlobalAlloc (and huge?)
correctly.  I would eventually like to use MUCH larger arrays than
those that I am working with now.


Don D.