[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Changes MS should make to the windows.h file

giguere@csg.waterloo.edu (Eric Giguere) (01/26/91)

1) Put in something similar to:

      #ifndef WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED
      #define WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED

         blah blah blah

      #endif /* WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED */

   Right now I kludge it by testing for the PASCAL macro.

2) Replace the line:

      WORD NEAR * PASCAL pLocalHeap;

   with the proper ANSI form:

      extern WORD NEAR * PASCAL pLocalHeap;

   since ANSI compliant compilers define storage for the first.
   Or at least put in something like this:

      #if defined ( _MSC_VER ) /* Microsoft C */
          WORD NEAR * PASCAL pLocalHeap;
      #else /* Watcom C */
          extern WORD NEAR * PASCAL pLocalHeap;

3) Make it smaller/split it up.  Probably a pipe dream here.

Anything else we should all be aware about...?

Eric Giguere                                       giguere@csg.UWaterloo.CA
           Quoth the raven: "Eat my shorts!" --- Poe & Groening

johnm@spudge.UUCP (John Munsch) (01/31/91)

In article <1991Jan26.010935.4400@maytag.waterloo.edu> giguere@csg.waterloo.edu (Eric Giguere) writes:
>1) Put in something similar to:
>      #ifndef WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED
>      #define WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED
>         blah blah blah
>      #endif /* WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED */
>   Right now I kludge it by testing for the PASCAL macro.

Agreed, and they also need 

	#ifdef __cplusplus
		extern "Pascal" {

	blah blah blah

	#ifdef __cplusplus

for compatability with C++ compilers.

>3) Make it smaller/split it up.  Probably a pipe dream here.

No need to make it smaller or split it up.  Instead try NEW IMPROVED inhibit.h.

// inhibit.h
// tab_size: 4

// Inhibit sections of WINDOWS.H
#define NOGDICAPMASKS		// CC_*, LC_*, PC_*, CP_*, TC_*, RC_
#define NOWINMESSAGES		// WM_*, EM_*, LB_*, CB_*
#define NOWINSTYLES			// WS_*, CS_*, ES_*, LBS_*, SBS_*, CBS_*
#define NOSYSMETRICS		// SM_*
#define NOMENUS				// MF_*
#define NOICONS				// IDI_*
#define NOKEYSTATES			// MK_*
#define NOSYSCOMMANDS		// SC_*
#define NORASTEROPS			// Binary and Tertiary raster ops
#define NOSHOWWINDOW		// SW_*
#define OEMRESOURCE			// OEM Resource values
#define NOATOM				// Atom Manager routines
#define NOCLIPBOARD			// Clipboard routines
#define NOCOLOR				// Screen colors
#define NOCTLMGR			// Control and Dialog routines
#define NODRAWTEXT			// DrawText() and DT_*
#define NOGDI				// All GDI defines and routines
#define NOKERNEL			// All KERNEL defines and routines
#define NOUSER				// All USER defines and routines
#define NOMB				// MB_* and MessageBox()
#define NOMEMMGR			// GMEM_*, LMEM_*, GHND, LHND, associated routines
#define NOMETAFILE			// typedef METAFILEPICT
#define NOMINMAX			// Macros min(a,b) and max(a,b)
#define NOMSG				// typedef MSG and associated routines
#define NOOPENFILE			// OpenFile(), OemToAnsi, AnsiToOem, and OF_*
#define NOSCROLL			// SB_* and scrolling routines
#define NOSOUND				// Sound driver routines
#define NOTEXTMETRIC		// typedef TEXTMETRIC and associated routines
#define NOWH				// SetWindowsHook and WH_*
#define NOWINOFFSETS		// GWL_*, GCL_*, associated routines
#define NOCOMM				// COMM driver routines
#define NOKANJI				// Kanji support stuff.
#define NOHELP				// Help engine interface.
#define NOPROFILER			// Profiler interface.
#define NODEFERWINDOWPOS	// DeferWindowPos routines

Including this file ahead of windows.h will inhibit virtually everything
initially, but experience will tell you the handful of #defines that you need
to comment out.  Most of my apps only have 5 or 6 sections of windows.h used
and as a result they now compile even FASTER!  Yay!

John Munsch