[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Latest Windows version

jdb@reef.cis.ufl.edu (Brian K. W. Hook) (02/07/91)

I am about to undergo some program development using Windows 3.0 on a 386
machine.  I will be using C6.00....what I am wondering is if there is a
newer version of Windows out there since I have Windows 3.00a and Microsoft
is infamouse for its maintenance releases that don't really count as 

Is there a Windows 3.01, 3.00b, 3.00c, etc.?  Do I really need them?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


rdippold@qualcomm.com (Ron Dippold) (02/09/91)

In article <26760@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> jdb@reef.cis.ufl.edu (Brian K. W. Hook) writes:
>I am about to undergo some program development using Windows 3.0 on a 386
>machine.  I will be using C6.00....what I am wondering is if there is a
>newer version of Windows out there since I have Windows 3.00a and Microsoft
>is infamouse for its maintenance releases that don't really count as 

There will be a new version of Windows 3 coming out soon, but it's not here
yet.  What you need to be worried about is the C6.00 which is incredibly
buggy.  If your C6.00 is not C6.00a, make sure you get the upgrade.  There
are about 70 listed bugs with C6.00a (most related to optimization), and
C6.00 is much worse.