spence@psych.toronto.edu (Ian Spence) (02/28/91)
I'm a WordStar user going back to 1980 (Intertec SuperBrain with CP/M). I remained faithful (up to Version 5.5) until recently when I switched to Winword. In general, I like Winword, but my fingers want to stay with WordStar (cursor diamond, etc, etc) and avoid the cursor keypad and the Home, Page Up, End, Page Down keys. With WordBASIC it's easy to set up the macros and in many cases to assign them to keys. Ctrl+S, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+E, and so forth are duck soup because Ctrl+Letter combinations are OK with Macro Assign to Key. But Ctrl+Q-S, for example, is not. So I've tried doing the following kind of thing: (This macro is assigned to Ctrl+Q. Then I'm trying to subsume Ctrl+Q-S, Ctrl+Q-D, etc in the single macro.) Sub MAIN Open "CON" for Input as #1 A$ = Input$(1,#1) If A$ = "S" then StartOfLine If A$ = "D" then EndOfLine End Sub This hangs the machine when A$ = Input(1,#1) is executed. I've also tried Input A$, and this is a little bit of an improvement. No hang, but I have to add an Enter to terminate the input. Basically, what I want, is some way to get a keypress in WordBASIC. There's no Inkey type statement (as far as I can see), and I cannot figure out how to use the existing Input statements to accomplish what I want. Does anyone know how to make my WordStar fingers happy? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Spence spence@psych.utoronto.ca Department of Psychology spence@psych.toronto.edu University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario (416) 978-7623 (Voice) Canada M5S 1A1 (416) 978-4811 (FAX)