[comp.windows.ms.programmer] SDK scrolling lists with fixed width fonts? - Summary

wim@ecn.nl (Wim Rijnsburger) (03/11/91)

Thanks to all who responded to my question.

It was a very good tip of bonneau@hyper.hyper.com (Paul Bonneau) to use
the SETFONT message. This approach was straight forward and appeared
very simple to implement (what seldom can be said of SDK facilities).

Here comes the essential part of my code:

	hFixedFont = GetStockObject(OEM_FIXED_FONT);
	SendDlgItemMessage(hMyDialog, LB_SECTOR, WM_SETFONT, hFixedFont, FALSE)

That's all you need to get fixed-pitch font in dialog items!


---------- Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, ECN --------------
Wim Rijnsburger                          email: RIJNSBURGER@ECN.NL
P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG  Petten, Holland     phone: +31 2246 4673