[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Borland Pascal for Windows

donnel@helix.nih.gov (Donald A. Lehn) (03/15/91)

I just cought a glimpse at an article in PC Week about Borland's new
Window's/Pascal programming environment.  Does anyone have any further
info on this product?  Any beta testers out there?  Since many of us learned
programming using turbo pascal this will be a great platform.

Just wondering,
Don Lehn

mcovingt@athena.cs.uga.edu (Michael A. Covington) (03/16/91)

In article <1087@nih-csl.nih.gov> donnel@helix.nih.gov (Donald A. Lehn) writes:
>I just cought a glimpse at an article in PC Week about Borland's new
>Window's/Pascal programming environment.  Does anyone have any further
>info on this product?  Any beta testers out there?  Since many of us learned
>programming using turbo pascal this will be a great platform.
>Just wondering,
>Don Lehn

In general, Borland beta-testers are not allowed to discuss products
before release, nor even to reveal that they are beta-testing a
particular product.
Michael A. Covington, Assistant to the Director
Artificial Intelligence Programs
The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602

dsampson@x102a.harris-atd.com (sampson david 58163) (03/18/91)

I don't know anymore than you (& I) Rread in PC Week.  However, after
finishing the article, I called Borland and they will take your order
right now.  They will ship in about 2 weeks (end of March).

                                          A new world record
                                          in the javalin throw
    /                                          /
   /                                          I

David Sampson                                         Harris Corporation
dsampson@x102a.ess.harris.com                   Gov't Aerospace Systems Divison
uunet!x102a!dsampson                                  Melbourne, Florida
