G:asa (05/28/82)
Thu May 27 23:51:43 PDT 1982
morris (06/02/82)
thus is a 2 line test.
crose (07/02/82)
Testing the header.
mclure@sri-unix (07/21/82)
just a test
mccallum (01/21/83)
Just a test to see if we have recovered
ho0802 (04/06/83)
Just another test.
brown (05/10/83)
Relay-Version:version B 3/9/83; site harpo.UUCP Message-ID:<178@kpno.UUCP> Date:Tue, 10-May-83 02:25:50 EDT just a test... -- regards, mike Kitt Peak
abdul@lpi3230.UUCP (Abdul Nabi) (05/14/84)
This is a test. (how original!) abdul nabi linus pauling inst. ...!lpi3230!abdul
dgg@mit-athena.ARPA (David G. Grubbs) (05/21/84)
A test.
tomasino@ihuxf.UUCP (P. C. Tomasino) (05/31/84)
This is just a test to see if this thing can handle a long logical Unix* text line.
psuvm%bsd@psuvax1.UUCP (06/26/84)
<> I think that we're not getting out of psuvax1 again. If you get this, please let me know. Thanks, --Scott Dickson uucp: :ihnp4, allegra, akgua:!psuvax1!BSD%PSUVM.BITNET Bitnet: BSD@PSUVM Arpa: BSD%PSUVM.BITNET@Berkeley.ARPA
kevino@amd.UUCP (Kevin OwWing) (07/25/84)
just a simple test on the net
ttorgers@udenva.UUCP (08/04/84)
well, it DID say it was just a test!! Troy
jss@dicomed.UUCP (John Salmi) (10/23/84)
just a test... -- John Salmi - "the software guy" DICOMED Corporation Minneapolis {inhp4,mgnetp,uwvax}!dicomed!jss "Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life down here."
greenber@acf4.UUCP (11/14/84)
<> a simple test rmg
kenfruit@wlcrjs.UUCP (kKen Fruit) (12/05/84)
[::] Just a test. That's all. -- --------- Ken Fruit ...ihnp4!wlcrjs!kenfruit
dhb@rayssd.UUCP (03/28/85)
This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real message I would have posted it somewhere else. -- Dave Brierley Raytheon Co.; Portsmouth RI; (401)-847-8000 x4073 ...!decvax!brunix!rayssd!dhb ...!allegra!rayssd!dhb ...!linus!rayssd!dhb
tjm@drusd.UUCP (MacleanTJ) (07/30/85)
Daa a a a aa :wq a :wq :wq istribution: att
mack1@cdstar.UUCP (Tom Mackowski) (09/03/85)
this is only a test -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Mackowski Unisource Software Corporation (617) 491-1264 71 Bent Street {talcott,wjh12}!cdstar!mack Cambridge, MA 02141
lucovsky@rtp47.UUCP (Jeff Lucovsky) (09/05/85)
Testing..... Jeff Lucovsky Data General, RTP <the world>!mcnc!rti-sel!rtp47!lucovsky
lucovsky@rtp47.UUCP (Jeff Lucovsky) (09/05/85)
just another test.... Jeff Lucovsky Data General, RTP, NC <the world>!mcnc!rti-sel!rtp47!lucovsky
cs525-2@puff.UUCP (2) (03/01/86)
: :a this is just a test :wq :wq . . uir
cvr8179@ritcv.UUCP (Charles V. Rossi) (04/30/86)
Just a test...... --
this is just a test to see if i can post scott spu@psuvma