[comp.windows.ms.programmer] How to do system-wide floating window?

alcmist@well.sf.ca.us (Frederick Wamsley) (04/11/91)

You know how, in Write, the Find dialog floats on top of the document but
allows the parent to maintain the focus?  In other words you can type
text into a document underneath the Find dialog.

That's easy to do.  Normal WS_POPUP style will accomplish that much.
But suppose I want to get the same effect globally , and have a window
which floats over all other applications?  How can that be done?  It's
easy to keep it on the top, but all three of the obvious API's for 
putting a window at the top of the Z order also activate it and give
it the focus.

Has anyone actually done this?  If so, how?

(I do have a legitimate reason for doing something so nonstandard).


Fred Wamsley  {ucbvax,pacbell,apple,hplabs}!well!alcmist;
CIS 72247,3130; GEnie FKWAMSLEY; USPS - why bother?
"There's a perfectly logical explanation for all this"

psheerin@zanzibar.saigon.com (Peter K. Sheerin) (04/18/91)

alcmist@well.sf.ca.us (Frederick Wamsley) writes:

> You know how, in Write, the Find dialog floats on top of the document but
> allows the parent to maintain the focus?  In other words you can type
> text into a document underneath the Find dialog.
>                                                              .... It's
> easy to keep it on the top, but all three of the obvious API's for 
> putting a window at the top of the Z order also activate it and give
> it the focus.
> Has anyone actually done this?  If so, how?

Well, I know it's possible, as I have at least one of those free memory
display programs that acomplishes that. The file was mem111.zip, or something
like that.