[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Replacing the Microsoft logo at startup

wallis@sieras.enet.dec.com (Barry L. Wallis) (04/17/91)

Is it possible to replace the MS logo with another BMP when I start Windows

Barry L. Wallis			USENET: wallis@labc.dec.com
Database Consultant		Prodigy (don't laugh): DNMX41A
U.S. DECtp Resource Center	DECUServe: EISNER::WALLIS (not on the net yet)
Los Angeles, CA			"No one voted for me, I represent myself"

ebergman@isis.cs.du.edu (Eric Bergman-Terrell) (04/17/91)

I know that it's possible to suppress the MS logo (and save some seconds)
by launching windows as follows:

win /s :

win /r :

win /3 :

win :


wolf@netcom.COM (Buckskin Tech.) (04/19/91)

wallis@sieras.enet.dec.com (Barry L. Wallis) writes:

>Is it possible to replace the MS logo with another BMP when I start Windows

>Barry L. Wallis			USENET: wallis@labc.dec.com
>Database Consultant		Prodigy (don't laugh): DNMX41A
>U.S. DECtp Resource Center	DECUServe: EISNER::WALLIS (not on the net yet)
>Los Angeles, CA			"No one voted for me, I represent myself"

Possible, but difficult.  It appears that SETUP copies the logo into the
driver at install-time.  The file to be copied is specified in SETUP.INF
(look at the section describing video drivers).  This file (VGALOGO.RLE
for most) must meet two requirements: it must be a Windows DIB (device-
independant bitmap) and it must be VERY small (so small that it must usually
be encoded in RLE4 form, hence the .RLE extension).  I've tried (without
success) to bind in files larger than VGALOGO.RLE, so it may need to be 
a smaller file.

 - Wolf