[comp.windows.ms.programmer] MS Works WP CAN do RTF

ebergman@isis.cs.du.edu (Eric Bergman-Terrell) (04/19/91)

After someone mentioned that MS Works might support RTF I grabed my Works
manual and RTFM-ed it.

Yes MS Works can convert a file from its internal format to RTF (and vice
versa, although I didn't try it).

NOTE:  RTF import/export REQUIRES the "word processing conversion program"
which I got with Works v. 2.  I don't know if this is a standard part of
Works - but you'll have to have it.

When I typed in a file containing the string:

Hello my name is Eric Terrell

with some of the words italicized, emboldened, underlined, etc

and converted it to RTF, here's what I got:

BTW does anyone have a part number for the "Microsoft Rich Text Format Spec"
document mentioned a couple days ago?  When I phoned no-one knew about the

Anyway here's MS Work's RTF version of the file, for the curious:

{\rtf1\pc \deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern pica;}{\f1\fmodern Courier;}
{\f2\fmodern elite;}{\f3\fmodern prestige;}{\f4\fmodern lettergothic;}
{\f5\fmodern gothicPS;}{\f6\fmodern cubicPS;}{\f7\fmodern 
lineprinter;}{\f8\fswiss Helvetica;}{\f9\fmodern avantegarde;}
{\f10\fmodern spartan;}{\f11\fmodern metro;}{\f12\fmodern 
presentation;}{\f13\fmodern APL;}{\f14\fmodern OCRA;}{\f15\fmodern 
OCRB;}{\f16\froman boldPS;}{\f17\froman emperorPS;}{\f18\froman 
madaleine;}{\f19\froman zapf humanist;}{\f20\froman classic;}
{\f21\froman roman f;}{\f22\froman roman g;}{\f23\froman roman h;}
{\f24\froman timesroman;}{\f25\froman century;}{\f26\froman 
palantino;}{\f27\froman souvenir;}{\f28\froman garamond;}{\f29\froman 
caledonia;}{\f30\froman bodini;}{\f31\froman university;}{\f32\fscript 
script;}{\f33\fscript scriptPS;}{\f34\fscript script c;}{\f35\fscript 
script d;}{\f36\fscript commercial script;}{\f37\fscript park avenue;}
{\f38\fscript coronet;}{\f39\fscript script h;}{\f40\froman greek;}
{\f41\froman kana;}{\f42\froman hebrew;}{\f43\froman roman s;}
{\f44\froman russian;}{\f45\froman roman u;}{\f46\froman roman v;}
{\f47\froman roman w;}{\f48\fdecor narrator;}{\f49\fdecor emphasis;}
{\f50\fdecor zapf chancery;}{\f51\fdecor decor d;}{\f52\fdecor old 
english;}{\f53\fdecor decor f;}{\f54\fdecor decor g;}{\f55\ftech 
cooper black;}{\f56\ftech Symbol;}{\f57\ftech linedraw;}{\f58\ftech 
math7;}{\f59\ftech math8;}{\f60\ftech bar3of9;}{\f61\ftech EAN;}
{\f62\ftech pcline;}{\f63\ftech tech h;}}\margl1872\margr1728\sectd
\pard \plain\i Hello\i0  my \b name\b0  is \ul Eric Terrell\ulnone 
.\par }