[net.ham-radio] New Jersey Packet Radio Meeting

karn (06/02/82)


A Local Area planning meeting to discuss several advanced
aspects of Amateur Packet Radio is tentatively scheduled to
be held in Murray Hill New Jersey, on Saturday, June 19th.

The major purpose of this meeting will be to allow different
local groups to make their views and requirements known
before networking between adjacent areas takes place.
Everyone is welcome.  Additionally, groups and/or
individuals are invited to make presentations to the group.
The meeting will conclude with a general discussion.

Space is limited so if you wish to attend please register
with one of the people listed below by Wednesday, June 9.
We cannot accommodate anyone who does not register on or
before June 9th.

	   Paul Newland, ad7i
	   POB 205
	   Holmdel, NJ 07733-0205
	   201-949-3731 (W)

	   Steve Robinson, W2FPY
	   201-835-1152 (H)
	   914-351-5277 (W)

	   Gordon Beattie,  WB2CAM
	   201-785-2324 (H)
	   212-623-1552 (W)