[net.ham-radio] Free Eqpt for Educational Use

ljspot (07/02/82)

Recently, my father-in-law passed away.  There is no one in the family
with a ham license.  He was always very interested in education, and
teaching young people, so our ideal would be to donate his equipment to
a group such as a high school radio club.  Any other appropriate ideas
would be appreciated.  Although I don't have an exact inventory now,
in general the equipment is 15-20 years old, tube stuff, in good operating
condition when last used.  I believe it is capable of 10 to 80 meter
operation, and has a Heath  SSB adapter rated at 1KW.  Receiver is a
DX-?.  If you know of a good and interested recipient, I'm on 312-979-
7305 from 8-4:45 CDT weekdays (after 7/12/82); or mail to ...!ihuxs!ljspot
			Larry Schutte