[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Anyone using Bridge batch/Bridge Toolkit?

jas@ISI.EDU (Jeff Sullivan) (06/06/91)

Is anyone using ewither of these two products?  I have some questions
about using/programming them.


1.  When a DIALOG is up in Batch, Bridge seems to diable its menus.
(And with it, its macro keys.)  Is there any way to have both active?

2.  How come I can'tr place items (dialogs) flush along the bottom of
the screen?  It always leaves a tiny space of wasted screen there.

3.  Do I really *have* to pay to get *any* tech support?

Jeffrey A. Sullivan		| Senior Systems Programmer
jas@venera.isi.edu		| Information Sciences Institute
jas@isi.edu                    	| University of Southern California