I am trying to write a Windows program that uses a millisecond delay. In DOS, and using the Borland C compiler, there is a convenient delay() function that allows delays in millisecond resolution. But in Windows, the only timing function I've found is the SetTimer() function. This can cause a WM_TIMER message to be put in the eventqueue OR you can provide a call-back function that Windows calls when the time limit expires. The manuals all say that the timers have millisecond resolution but Petzold's book (and others) say that the timing REALLY comes from the crumby system clock with resolutions of ~50 millisec. And to top it all off, since Windows is a multitasking system, it may be that your program is not even running when the timed event occurs. My question: Is there a way to get true millisecond timing resolution (a simple delay is sufficient) and to hav this event not only notify your program but to cause your program to become the currently running program? please EMAIL me at Mark Hruska Thanks in advance :)