[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Looking for quality tty source

Alan.Peery@bbs.oit.unc.edu (Alan Peery) (06/12/91)

I have a custom application I am trying to write
that needs to communicate over modem to a remote
computer.  The "TTY" source distributed with the 
3.0 SDK loses characters even at _2400_ baud, so
it obviously is not a good starting point.  (More below.)

I don't need a terminal interface, since I will
be implementing a custom interface on the communications,
but I do need serial communications software that will 
handle a 9600 baud modem running with compression.  

1.  Where could I find source code for such a beast?

2.  Does the package support COM3/COM4 from the start,
    or will I have to add the support?

3.  Cost?  Distribution rights?

4.  Multi-tasking behavior?

5.  Error-correcting protocols included?

I did try implementing the timer suggested in the source code
for tty.c in the SDK.  The software was still routinely losing 
characters, even with a timer message every 1/60 second and a 
16K receive buffer.


Alan Peery
   The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the University of
     North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Campus Office for Information
        Technology, or the Experimental Bulletin Board Service.
           internet:  bbs.oit.unc.edu or